Range filter

There is one last refinement we want to make to our dataset. We are particularly interested in those users whose purchase total was within a particular range, perhaps between $75 and $125 USD. Again, this is simply accomplished with the Watson Analytics Refine/Filter feature.

To add a range filter, you can click on the Dollar Amount Sold data column and use the sliders or, if it is easier, you can click on the range values themselves and directly enter your amounts (75 and 125):

Whoa there! Once we apply that filter, our dataset is reduced to only three records:

Evidently, the idea of focusing on a dollar purchased amount range (remember that this data already has been filtered) is not a valid (or useful) assumption for our project!

With this in mind, we'll go back and adjust the range to between $1 and $999  so that we can ensure that we will have a good number of data records to work with.

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