Main insights

The results of predictions in Watson Analytics are presented as a combination of both visual and text insights. Text insights describe the results of the Watson Analytics analysis. Visual insights are visualizations that support the text insights. All of the insights are prearranged into insight sets to make them easier to digest.

Note: In addition to text and visual insights, dynamic visual insights are dynamic changes to the visualization that result from expanding a text insight.

In our supply chain prediction, we started with a presupposition that the cause of increasingly longer order delivery times was due to a problem at the assembly plants. After creating an exploration, we saw first that delivery times increased during November and December, but that was expected, due to higher order volumes. Next, we compared the performance of each assembly plant and found that they performed pretty much the same. From there, we checked for different performance levels of each supplier and also explored products, to see whether a specific product required additional lead time.

Finally, we found that there is a difference between the time it takes to ship materials from suppliers to the assembly plants and the time required to ship assembled product from the assembly plants to the warehouse.

With this awareness in mind, we then created a Watson Analytics prediction using the FullfillmentTime column as the target. In the following section, we will examine how to save and share the results in more detail.

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