Influential authors

Random commentaries may be interesting, but interjections from those deemed more influential usually carry more weight. The Watson Analytics for Social Media influential authors visualization shows influential authors by source type. Influential authors are those on social media who are actively talking about the topics that we defined in our project. Take a look at the following screenshot:

Visualization showing influential authors

The influential author page, as shown in the preceding screenshot, displays your project's sources on the left-hand side (we selected Reviews and Facebook pages) and the authors in the middle of the page. The pane on the right-hand side of the page will show content if you click on a particular author.

You can see various author statistics, as well as two scores for each influential author when you hover over an author in the visualization, Author engagement and Author influence:

Author engagement and Author influence visualization

The author engagement score measures how much an author's posts on social media were engaged by other social media users. Author engagement is calculated by counting the number of times that other authors reacted to an author and the author's posts through comments, replies, and other reactions, depending on the source. There is no author engagement score for reviews and news sources. The author engagement scores for all authors are in the author engagement column in your project's corresponding dataset. The author influence score reflects how influential an author is in that specific social media source. The scores for all authors are in the author influence column in your project's corresponding dataset.

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