The sentiment dictionary

Sentiment specifies whether a mention is positive or negative. IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media provides you with a default dictionary of sentiment terms. A sentiment term can consist of more than one word. To enhance the quality of sentiment detection, you can disable a certain positive or negative sentiment term, by making it neutral. This way, a positive or negative sentiment phrase becomes neutral term. You can also turn a specific phrase, which contains a sentiment term into a neutral. You can also add your own positive or negative terms to the sentiment dictionary. To access the sentiment dictionary, you can click on the Edit sentiment link in the content pane on the right-hand side of the page, as shown in the following screenshot:

Edit sentiment link in the content pane

Once you are in the sentiment dictionaryyou will see all of the updated sentiment terms and have the ability to change their sentiment or add new terms of your own, as shown in the following screenshot:

Sentimental terms are updated

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