12.7. Animation/Effects

Many people become aware of jQuery through seeing one of its many impressive graphical effects.

Let's check out the fadeOut effect using our original example:

  1. Go back to default.htm, and change the helloJQuery() function to contain the following:


  2. Press F5 to run your application.

  3. Click the Hello jQuery button.

  4. The <div> should then fade out of view.

12.7.1. Effect Overloads

Most of the effects in jQuery are overloaded, allowing fine-grained control (see Table 12-6).

Table 12.6. Different Overloads of the fadeOut() Method
$("#div1").fadeOut();Basic effect with default options
$("#div1").fadeOut(10000);Effect time specified in milliseconds
$("#div1").fadeOut('slow'),Specifies the time the effect will take to run: slow, normal, or fast

You can also specify a callback function to be executed when the effect has completed:

function hellojQuery()

Function functionToCall()

12.7.2. Core Library Effects

Table 12-7 lists jQuery's core effects.

Table 12.7. Core Library Effects
$("#div1").hide();Hides element.
$("#div1").show();Shows element.
$("#div1").fadeOut();Fades out element.
$("#div1").fadeIn();Fades in element.
$("#div1").toggle();Toggles display of element. If it is hidden, it will become visible. If it is visible, it will be hidden.
$("#div1").slideDown();Animates element to become visible like a vertical blind sliding down.
$("#div1").slideUp();Animates element to become hidden like a vertical blind sliding up.
$("#div1").animate({Powerful function that animates an element to specified CSS property values over time span in milliseconds specified.
width:   "100%",
fontSize:   "100px"
}, 1500   );

Stops any animation or effects in progress.

12.7.3. Additional Effects

In addition to the previous effects, a number of additional effects can be downloaded: fold, pulsate, puff, bounce, and explode (my personal favorite). For more details on these effects, please go to http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects.

12.7.4. Glimmer

If you don't want to hand-code your jQuery effects, you can use a great tool called Glimmer produced by Microsoft that offers a wizard-based approach (see Figure 12-4). Refer to http://visitmix.com/lab/glimmer.

Figure 12.4. Glimmer allows you to easily construct jQuery effects.

Glimmer allows the construction of simple effects such as rotating images, drop-down menus, and animation.

12.7.5. jQuery Tools

jQueryPad www.paulstovell.com/jquerypad) and JS Bin (http://jsbin.com/) can be very useful tools for prototyping and playing with jQuery.

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