15.11. Styles

Styles in Silverlight 3.0 can now be modified at runtime and support inheritance.

15.11.1. Applying Styles Dynamically

The following code shows how to apply a style to a button at runtime:


15.11.2. Style Inheritance

Silverlight 3.0 allows you to create styles that inherit from another style (sort of like CSS) by specifying a parent style in the BasedOn property. The following code creates a style inheriting from MyHorridFuchsiaStyle:

<Style x:Key="HybridStyle" TargetType="Button"
BasedOn="{StaticResource MyHorridFuchsiaStyle}"></Style>

15.11.3. Merge Dictionary Support

It is now possible to refer to external resource dictionary files within your application:

    <ResourceDictionary Source="myExternalResources.xaml" />

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