15.21. Summary

There are some fantastic new features in WPF 4.0 and Silverlight 3.0. And the release of Silverlight 4.0 is just around the corner. If you are beginning a new project, should you create it using Silverlight or WPF?

Pete Brown (the developer community program manager for the Windows client) has the following to say on his blog:

"In the future, it is very likely that both Silverlight and WPF will be a single technology with a single codebase. After all, Silverlight was originally known as WPF/E (E as in Everywhere), and in an amazing 180 degree reversal of our usual approach, we took an ugly codename and created a great product name (Silverlight) from it."


Whatever happens (and it's likely this merge won't happen overnight), it is clear that WPF and Silverlight have a very bright future ahead and are certainly technologies to invest in.

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