Chapter 7. Windows Communication Foundation

Availability: Framework 4

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) developers will be glad to know that this release of WCF shouldn't break any existing applications. The focus in WCF4 has been to make it easier to use while also bringing in some new features, such as routing, support for the WS-Discover protocol (a method for discovering services), and some enhancements from the WCF REST starter kit.

WCF and Workflow Foundation (WF) are more closely integrated than ever in .NET 4.0, so please refer to Chapter 6 for details of the new WF changes (in particular WF services). You should also be aware that there are some changes at the CLR level that may affect your WCF applications that were covered in Chapter 4.


You can download many samples for WCF from I'll refer to a few in this chapter.

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