16.2. Displaying Data with ASP.NET Data Controls

The third and final step toward showing data on an ASP.NET Web page by using data controls is about binding the data source control to a data display control. Data display controls are responsible for showing the data that's exposed by the data source controls. At browse time, these controls are rendered on Web pages to provide the interface for displaying data.

Most of the ASP.NET 2.0 controls can be bound to data source controls. However, ASP.NET 2.0 offers special controls for displaying data from data sources in a tabular or grid format. This section discusses how you can bind the data source controls you configured earlier to display and format data on Web pages.

16.2.1. Binding with data source controls

As mentioned earlier, most of the ASP.NET 2.0 controls can be bound to data source controls to display data on the Web pages. For example, you can use the following steps in SharePoint Designer to bind an ASP.NET DropDownList control to the SQLDataSource data control:

  1. Insert an SQLDataSource control on your ASPX page and then configure it to use a SELECT statement to return a number of records from a table in your database.

  2. Using the Toolbox task pane, insert a DropDownList control on your Web page. The Common DropDownList Tasks menu appears in the Design view.

  3. Click Choose Data Source to open the Data Source Configuration Wizard, as shown in Figure 16.13. Here, you specify the column that you want to display in the dropdown menu.

  4. In the Select a data source dropdown menu, select the ID of the SQLDataSource you configured earlier.

  5. Choose the data fields (or data columns in the table) to be used for the display of the values of the items in the DropDownList control.

  6. Click OK, save the Web page, and then press F12 to preview it in a browser.

The values of the data column that you chose in step 5 are displayed in the dropdown menu on the Web page. As mentioned earlier, the ASP.NET Development Server is invoked every time you preview an ASP.NET Web page to facilitate rendering of the controls on Web pages.

So, you've just completed the steps to bring the data from a back-end database to a Web page in SharePoint Designer without handwriting a single line of code. If you open the Code view of the Web page you just created, the HTML code of the DropDownList control appears:

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="DropDownList1"
   DataTextField="FirstName" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"

The Data Source Configuration Wizard has allowed you to set the DataTextField, DataSourceID, and DataValueField for the asp:DropDownList control. You can also use the Tag Properties task pane to specify these properties.

16.2.2. Using ASP.NET data display controls

While the DropDownList control is useful, you might want to display the data from the data source control in a tabular or grid format. SharePoint Designer provides a number of ASP.NET 2.0 controls that can be used to display and work with data on a Web page.

Figure 16.13. The Data Source Configuration Wizard Using the DataList control

The DataList control can be used to display a view of data in a repeating fashion and optionally edit and delete the records. In the following exercise, you use the ASP.NET 2.0 DataList control to display data from the SQLDataSource on the Web page. Follow these steps:

  1. As in the previous exercise, insert an SQLDataSource control on your ASPX page and then configure it to use a SELECT statement to return a number of records from a table in your database.

  2. Using the Toolbox task pane, insert a DataList control on your Web page. The Common DataList Tasks menu appears in the Design view.

  3. Using the Choose Data Source dropdown menu, specify the SQLDataSource control you want to bind the DataList to.

  4. Save the Web page and then press F12 to browse to it. You should see the data from your table on the Web page now. However, as shown in Figure 16.14, the data displayed isn't that compelling to look at. You can use SharePoint Designer to quickly format the data to look better.

    Figure 16.14. A preview of the unformatted DataList control
  5. Open the Common DataList Tasks menu and then click the AutoFormat link. The AutoFormat dialog box, as shown in Figure 16.15, opens. This dialog box provides some predefined formats for the DataList control and shows a preview of the formatting.

  6. Pick a scheme that you like and then click OK, save the Web page, and then preview the page in a browser. As shown in Figure 16.16, the DataList looks a little better now.

    Figure 16.15. The AutoFormat dialog box

    Figure 16.16. A preview of the formatted DataList control

If you view the code of the DataList in the Code view, SharePoint Designer has automatically applied some formatting styles and tags to the DataList. These properties are highlighted in blue in the Tag Properties task pane for the DataList control:

<asp:DataList runat="server" id="DataList1"
   DataKeyField="CustomerKey" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
   BorderColor="Tan" CellPadding="2" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow
   " BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="Black">
         <FooterStyle BackColor="Tan" />
         <AlternatingItemStyle BackColor="PaleGoldenrod" />
         <SelectedItemStyle BackColor="DarkSlateBlue"
   ForeColor="GhostWhite" />
         <HeaderStyle BackColor="Tan" Font-Bold="True" />
                <asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("CustomerKey") %>'
   runat="server" id="CustomerKeyLabel" />
                <br />
                <asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("Title") %>'
   runat="server" id="TitleLabel" />
                <br />
                <asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("MiddleName") %>'
   runat="server" id="MiddleNameLabel" />
                <br />
                <asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("FirstName") %>'
   runat="server" id="FirstNameLabel" />
                <br />
                <br />

Alternatively, you can use the Property Builder dialog box available through the Property Builder link in the Common DataList Tasks menu to modify the formatting of the DataList control. As shown in Figure 16.17, you can use the Property Builder dialog box to specify format settings for the DataList header, footer, items, and separators.


Although the AutoFormat option is available for most of the data display controls, you might not find the Property Builder dialog box for some controls depending on the nature of the control and the properties it exposes.

Using the Property Builder dialog box for the DataList control, you can set the formatting and style properties for this control without having to know firsthand the purpose of the property. The interface is fairly simple to use: Simply select the object to which you want to apply formatting and then use the controls provided in the Appearance section to specify values for the properties.

Figure 16.17. The Property Builder dialog box Using the GridView control

All ASP.NET 2.0 controls have characteristics and features that differentiate them from each other. For example, the DataList control in SharePoint Designer doesn't allow paging of rows, while the GridView control does. Based on the functionality required, you can choose which control you want to use. In the next exercise, you use the GridView control to display the data from the same SQLDataSource used earlier to see the difference in the appearance of the controls:

  1. Using the Toolbox task pane, insert a GridView control on your Web page.

  2. Use the Common GridView Tasks menu to specify the SQLDataSource control you want to bind the DataGrid control to.

  3. Click the AutoFormat link, choose a format scheme of your choice, and then click OK.

  4. Click the Enable Paging and Enable Sorting check boxes.

  5. Save the Web page and then preview it in a browser. As shown in Figure 16.18, the GridView controls display the data in a more compact and navigable manner.

You can navigate more easily between pages of data by using the links at the bottom on the GridView. The Columns headers also allow you to sort the data by clicking on them. You can specify the properties of the GridView by using the Tag Properties task pane. For example, as shown in Figure 16.19, if you want to change the location of the paging links from bottom to top, you can use the Tag Properties task pane to change the Position property in the Paging section to Top.

Figure 16.18. A preview of the GridView control on a Web page

Figure 16.19. Changing properties of the GridView control by using the Tag Properties task pane

The GridView also allows for updating and deleting data, provided that the data source control it's bound to has properly written UPDATE and DELETE statements. After you bind the GridView to such a data source control, the Enable Editing and Enable Deleting check boxes become available in the Common GridView Tasks menu. You can click these check boxes to enable the links for updating and deleting records in the GridView. Using the DetailsView Control

While the GridView control allows for editing and deleting data, the DetailsView control allows for inserting new rows of data into a table in the database. In the next exercise, you use the DetailsView control in combination with the GridView control to create a Web page that can be used to insert and update rows of data in a table in a database:


While configuring the data source controls in this exercise, ensure that you specify proper INSERT and UPDATE commands. If you're using a single table without relationships, you can have the SQLDataSource control auto-generate these commands by using the Advanced SQL generation options.

  1. Use the New dialog box to create a new ASPX page and then open it in SharePoint Designer.

  2. Insert a table with one row and two columns on the Web page. The first column in this table is used to insert the GridView control and the second one for the DetailsView control.

  3. Place the cursor inside the first column of the table and then insert a GridView control by using the Toolbox task pane. The GridView has the ID GridView1 because it's the first GridView on the Web page.

  4. In the Common GridView Tasks menu, choose New Data Source from the Choose Data Source dropdown menu. The Data Source Configuration Wizard, as shown in Figure 16.20, opens.

  5. Click Database in the Data Source Configuration Wizard, type GridViewDataSource in the Specify an ID for the data source text field, and then click OK to open the Configure Data Source dialog box.

  6. Specify the ASP.NET connection to your database and then click Next.

  7. Choose the table you want to use for this exercise, select the columns for display, click the Return only unique rows check box, click Next, and then click Finish. As shown in Figure 16.21, this process creates an SQLDataSource control with ID GridViewDataSource and binds it with the GridView control.

  8. In the Common GridView Tasks menu, click the Enable Paging, Enable Sorting, and Enable Selection check boxes.

  9. Click the AutoFormat link in the Common GridView Tasks menu. Using the AutoFormat dialog box, choose the schema to format the GridView.

  10. Place the cursor in the second column of the table created in step 2.

  11. Using the Toolbox task pane, insert a DetailsView control on the Web page.

    Figure 16.20. The Data Source Configuration Wizard

    Figure 16.21. The SQLDataSource control bound to the GridView control
  12. In the Common DetailsView Tasks menu, select New Data Source in the Choose Data Source dialog box. The Data Source Configuration Wizard opens.

  13. Choose Database in the Data Source Configuration Wizard, type DetailsViewDataSource in the Specify an ID for the data source text field, and then click OK to open the Configure Data Source dialog box.

  14. Again, specify the ASP.NET connection to your database and then click Next.

  15. Choose the same table you used for the GridViewDataSource and then select all the columns for display.

  16. Click the WHERE button to open the Add WHERE Clause dialog box. Use this dialog box to specify a WHERE condition that filters the data in the DetailsViewDataSource control based on the selected item in the GridView control.

  17. Specify the unique column in the chosen table by using the Column box. Ensure that the Operator box shows the equal (=) operator.

  18. Select Control from the Source dropdown menu. This shows the Parameter Properties section in the Add WHERE Clause dialog box.

  19. In the Control ID dropdown menu, specify the ID of the GridView control inserted earlier. The resulting screen is shown in Figure 16.22.

  20. Click Add to add the WHERE clause and then click OK.

    Figure 16.22. Creating a filter parameter by using the Control source
  21. Click Advanced to open the Advanced SQL Generation Options dialog box and then click the Generate INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements and Use optimistic concurrency check boxes.

  22. Click OK, Next, and then Finish to complete the configuration of the DetailsViewDataSource. As shown in Figure 16.23, the DetailsView control is now bound to the DetailsViewDataSource control.

  23. Click the Enable Inserting and Enable Editing check boxes in the Common DetailsView Tasks menu.

  24. Click the AutoFormat link to choose a formatting scheme for the DetailsView control.

  25. Save the Web page and then preview it in a browser.

Figure 16.23. The Common DetailsView Tasks after binding to an SQLDataSource control that supports data manipulation

As shown in Figure 16.24, when you click the Select link on the GridView, the DetailsView shows the corresponding item and allows you to edit it. The DetailsView also provides a New link to add a new record to the table.

Figure 16.24. The resulting Web page after linking the GridView and DetailsView controls

16.2.3. Formatting the display of data

While the AutoFormat dialog box provides you with many attractive templates and schemes to choose from, you might still want to change the look of the data display controls to better suit your design requirements.

Most of the control properties for the data display controls related to formatting and appearance are combined in the Appearance and Styles categories of the Tag Properties task pane. You can use these properties to modify the formatting of the controls. For example, the AlternateRowStyle property collection in the GridView control provides a set of properties that allows you to change the formatting of the alternate rows in the GridView.

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