File Menu

The commands in the File menu operate on Excel workbooks, whether you’re opening them, saving them, or printing them.

Project Gallery

It’s the top File menu item in all four Office programs, and it opens the Office Project Gallery window. Keyboard shortcut: Shift-⌘-P.

New Workbook

Creates a new Excel workbook. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-N.


Opens Excel’s Open dialog box, which you can use to navigate to a file for Excel to open. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-O.

Open Recent

Lets you choose from a list of recently opened Excel documents.


Closes the frontmost Excel workbook window. If the workbook has unsaved changes, Excel will ask you if you want to save those changes. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-W.


Saves any changes to the frontmost window. If the file is a new, unsaved workbook, Excel prompts you to name it and choose a location for it. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-S.

Save As

Saves the frontmost window as another file. This command essentially makes a copy of the file and closes the original file, allowing you to choose a new name and location for the file, if you want.

Save as Web Page

Saves the frontmost Excel workbook as a Web page, converting graphics and graphs to the right kind of graphic formats, and saving all of the data in HTML tables (Web page).

Save Workspace

Memorizes the positions and sizes of any open workbook windows into a separate file. Later, when you open that file, all of the workbooks will be opened to the same size and position.

Web Page Preview

Shows you, in your Web browser, what your workbook will look like as a Web page.

Page Setup

Opens the Page Setup dialog box, where you can set up your Excel printouts. The options depend on the kind of printer you have selected as your default printer.

Print Area

Offers three commands:

  • Set Print Area. Lets you drag to select the cells you want to print.

  • Clear Print Area. Undoes the Set Print Area command, so that nothing is selected for printing.

  • Add to Print Area. Add your selection to the current print area.


Prints the frontmost document on the printer selected in the Chooser. It opens the Print dialog box, where you can specify how many copies you want printed and make other printing-related settings. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-P.


Opens a dialog box where you can choose the kind of file to import, then click the Import button, and locate the file.

Send To

Excel’s Send To submenu has only two items: Mail Recipient (as HTML) and Mail Recipient (as Attachment). By selecting one of these options, Excel tells Entourage to send the frontmost file as an HTML email or as an attachment to an email message. It’s a great feature, saving you several steps when you’re finished working on a spreadsheet and want to email it straight to the interested parties.


Opens the Workbook Properties window, where you can view and type in keywords and other information about the frontmost workbook, for use later by the Finder’s Spotlight search feature (which appears when you choose File → Open).

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