Edit Menu

The Edit menu gathers together all of Excel’s editing tools in one handy place. Many of these commands are similar to, but not identical to, those in other Office programs.


As in other programs, this command restores the last change you made; in Excel, you can undo (or redo) many steps, taking your spreadsheet all the way back to the way you found it. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-Z.


When you’ve done something that Excel can do over and over again, you can do so just by selecting the Repeat command. If you’ve just used the Undo command, the Repeat menu item turns into Redo, which undoes the undo you just did. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-Y.

Cut, Copy, Copy to Scrapbook

Cuts or copies to the clipboard, or copies to the Office Scrapbook, the selected cell, cells, or object. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-X, -C, and Shift-⌘-C.

Paste, Paste from Scrapbook, Paste Special

Pastes what you’ve just copied to the clipboard or to the Office Scrapbook. Paste Special lets you exercise some control when pasting, by pulling up the Paste Special window, where you can apply formatting. It also lets you link or embed the clipboard contents. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-V, Shift-⌘-V.

Paste as Hyperlink

Pastes the clipboard contents into Excel as a hyperlink, either to a Web site or to a Word document. (Requires that you’d first copied an Internet address or some text out of a Word document.)


Fills the selected range of cells in the manner you specify in the Fill submenu. There are several different kinds of fills:

  • Down, Right, Up, Left. Fills the selected range of cells with the contents and formatting the first select cell, in the specified direction (see Tedium Savings 1: AutoComplete for a more patient discussion).

  • Across Sheets. If you have multiple sheets selected, this copies the selected range of cells across all of the selected worksheets in the same place as the original selection.

  • Series. Intelligently fills the selected range of cells using the contents of the first cell in the selected row or column as a pattern—useful for filling in a series of dates, for example.

  • Justify. Spreads the text in the leftmost cell across the selected row of cells.


The Clear menu empties out a cell or cells; although you might not know it, there are several ways to clear cells. Here are your choices:

  • All. Clears everything in the cell, including formatting, the cell’s contents, and any comments.

  • Formats. Clears just the cell’s formatting, leaving contents and comments alone.

  • Contents. Clears just the cell’s contents, leaving formatting and comments alone.

  • Comments. Clears any comments, leaving formatting and contents alone.


Deletes the selected cells or object from the sheet. If you’re deleting cells, Excel will ask you whether you want to shift cells up or to the left, or remove entire rows or columns.

Delete Sheet

Deletes the currently active sheet from the workbook. Be sure about it; you can’t undo this action.

Move or Copy Sheet

Moves the selected sheet or sheets to a different location in the same workbook or another workbook. It opens the Move or Copy window, in which you can specify where you want to move the sheet and whether or not a copy is made.


Opens the Find panel that you can use to search for a string in formulas, values, or comments. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-F.


Looks for a string of text and replaces it with another.

Go To

Opens the Go To window, which you can use to go to a specific cell. By clicking the resulting Special button, you can also use it to select a specific type of cells, such as those containing formulas or constants.


Pulls up a window showing information about every link in the currently active document. If the document doesn’t have any links to other documents, this option is dimmed.


Lets you edit an embedded object, such as a Microsoft Graph object or a Microsoft Organization Chart object. This menu’s name changes to reflect the kind of object that’s embedded here, and it lets you either edit an embedded object or convert one OLE object to a different type.

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