
The find command provides many options for searching for files.

The syntax of the command is

						find [pathnames] [conditions]

Conditions may be grouped between escaped parentheses:


They can also be negated with an exclamation point (!-- in Unix-speak, a bang) and given as alternatives --o. Table A.1 describes some useful conditions.

Useful find Conditions
-atime +n | -n | nFind files that were accessed more than n (+n), less than n (-n), or n days ago
-ctime +n | -n | nFind files that were changed more than n (+n), less than n (-n), or n days ago
-group groupFind files belonging to the specified group name or ID number
-mountFind files that are mounted on the same file system as pathnames
-name patternFind files whose name matches pattern. For example, find –name 'my*' returns all files starting with my
-printThis is the default condition. It displays matching files and directories, using full path names
-user userFind files belonging to the user (name or ID)

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