For the Very First Time

Provided you selected automatic start of X-Windows, when the installation program reboots after a startup process, you will see the Red Hat logon screen (Figure 1.19). Log on as root with the password you supplied during installation. Congratulations! You've successfully installed Red Hat Linux.

Figure 1.19. After the installation completes, your system will reboot; you will then be ready to log on for the first time.

It's a bad idea to run your system as root. Once you've booted up, your first step should be to add yourself as a new user.

You'll also need to know how to reboot and shut down your new system.

To add yourself as a user:

Open a terminal window, either by clicking the terminal icon on the Gnome panel or by choosing Gnome Terminal from the Gnome Utilities menu.

Click the Terminal window so that it has the focus of keyboard entries.

At the prompt, type useradd jpublic, where jpublic is your name.

To add your password:

You must specify a password for your new user. You can use the passwd command to give jpublic a password. At the prompt, enter:

								:[root@linuxbear /root]#
								passwd jpublic

You'll be prompted to enter a password:

								New UNIX password:

You will be prompted to re-enter the password:

								Retype New UNIX password:
								passwd: all authentication _
								tokens updated successfully
								[root@linuxbear /root]#

Note that when you enter the new password, it will not be echoed to the screen.

To reboot:

  • With the Terminal window still open, type

    								shutdown –r now

To shut down the system:

  • In the Terminal window, type

    								shutdown –h now

    The system will proceed to shut down. When a message saying "Power Down" appears on the screen, it is safe to turn off the computer.

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