The WordPerfect Control Window

The WordPerfect Control window (Figure 8.4) is a separate window that opens when you start WordPerfect. It is used for opening document windows, manipulating files, setting preferences, and performing similar, related tasks.

Figure 8.4. The WordPerfect Control window opens when you start WordPerfect.

To open a new blank document:

  • With the WordPerfect Control window open, select New Window from the Program menu (Figure 8.5). A WordPerfect document window with a blank document will open (Figure 8.6).

    Figure 8.5. To open a blank document, select New Window from the WordPerfect Control window's Program menu.

    Importing and exporting files

    You can import and export WordPerfect files in a variety of formats including:

    • Amipro (various versions)

    • FrameMaker (various versions)

    • Interleaf (various versions)

    • Microsoft Word 2.0

    • Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0

    • Postscript

    • Rich Text Format (RTF)

    To export a file in one of the available formats, select the File Format type from the Save Options frame in the Save As dialog.

    You don't have to do anything special to import a file in a format that WordPerfect recognizes. When you open the file, it will be converted automatically.

    WordPerfect is also very Internet savvy. You can format a WordPerfect document in HTML by choosing Internet Publisher on the File menu and then clicking Format as Web Document.

To use WordPerfect's File Manager to create a directory:

With the WordPerfect Control window open, select File Manager from the Program menu.

The WordPerfect File Manager will open (Figure 8.7).

Use the directory list to position your new directory.

Choose Create Directory from the File menu.

You will be prompted for a name for the directory (Figure 8.8).

Enter a name for your new directory.

Click OK.

The new directory will appear in the directory list in File Manager (Figure 8.9).

To save a file:

With a document window open, choose Save or Save As from the File menu.

The Save As dialog will open (Figure 8.10).

Figure 8.6. A new WordPerfect window displays a blank document.

Use the directory list to choose a location for the file.

Enter a name for the file in the Filename/Current Selection box.

Click OK.

To change your WordPerfect preferences:

With the WordPerfect Control window open, select Preferences from the menu bar.

The Preferences Navigator will open (Figure 8.11).

Click a button that corresponds to the preference area that you want to change. For example, change your WordPerfect user name by clicking Environment.

The Environment Preferences dialog box will open (Figure 8.12).

Enter your new user name as you want WordPerfect to display it.

Click OK.

Figure 8.7. The WordPerfect File Manager can be used to copy, move, and save files.

Figure 8.8. You can use WordPerfect File Manager to create a directory with the name you specify, in the location you specify.

Figure 8.9. The new directory appears in the WordPerfect File Manager's directory list.

Figure 8.10. The File Save As dialog box works in the same fashion as WordPerfect's File Manager.

Figure 8.11. You can use the Preferences Navigator to choose a preference area.

Figure 8.12. Many aspects of WordPerfect's functionality can be customized using the Environment Preferences dialog box.

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