Disk Druid

Disk Druid is part of the Red Hat installation program. It features a user-friendly interface, so if it does all that you need, by all means use it in place of Linux fdisk.

Figure 2.9. You can use Disk Druid to add edit, or delete partitions.

To add or edit Linux partitions using Disk Druid:

Start the Linux installation program as described previously.

When you are prompted to choose a disk partitioning tool, select Disk Druid.

The Disk Druid screen will appear (Figure 2.9).

Use the Tab key to select Add, Edit, or Delete to add, modify, or delete partitions.

When you are through, use the Tab key to select

At a minimum, you need a root partition to install your Linux kernel. A root partition is indicated by a / (slash). When the program asks you for a mount point, type the name of the partition you're creating (see bulleted examples below).

In addition, if your system has less than 128MB of RAM, you should create a swap partition. (Swap partitions are used as virtual memory.) This may be sufficient for a simple system. But most users create separate partitions for various functions, including:

  • A root, or /, partition

  • A /home partition, to store users' home directories

  • A /tmp partition for storing temporary files in large server installations

  • A /usr partition, where Linux packages are installed

  • A /usr/src partition for Linux source code

Partitioning Strategies

Partitioning a disk, is more of an art than an exact science. There are many possible approaches. See the documentation on the Red Hat Linux 6 CD-ROM and also on the Red Hat Web site (http://www.redhat.com), particularly:

http://www.redhat.com/corp/support/manuals/RHL-6.0-Manual/install-guide/manual/ doc037.html



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