Chapter 2. Detailed Installation Instructions

In Chapter 1, "Quick Start," I showed you how to install Red Hat Linux 6 in the best of all possible worlds. However, the best of all possible worlds is not the real world. In the real world, what can go wrong likely will go wrong. Also, to paraphrase Leo Tolstoy, easy installations are all alike, but difficult installations are each different. This chapter concentrates on making "different" installations if not easy, at least easier.

To take one very important point, the "Quick Start" installation in Chapter 1 assumed you were willing to turn your computer over to Linux (and delete everything currently on your hard drive). If this is not, in fact, the case, you will have to partition your hard drive so that Linux and DOS/Windows can happily coexist. In this chapter, I'll show you how to do this.

I'll also explain Custom installations and how to select individual components for your system.

The truth of the matter is that many Windows users installing Linux for the first time view the process as an experiment. Typically, this means trotting out that old "junker" PC, relieving it of its duties as a door stop, and installing Linux.

There is no problem with this once Linux is running, as Linux and Gnome do perform better on less powerful hardware than do DOS and Windows 98. However, it does mean that it is likely that Linux will be installed on older systems with archaic hardware. This leads to problems during installation, particularly with the video subsystem. I'll provide some pointers for configuring your video card and monitor.

Finally, this chapter will explain how to add and configure a printer.

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