Using Session Manager

Using Session Manager, you can control some aspects of the way Gnome handles logon and logoff. In particular, you can tell Gnome to automatically launch particular programs when you start your session.

To open Session Manager:

  • In the Gnome Control Center, select Session Manager from the list on the left. The Session Manager panel will appear on the right (Figure 3.21).

To set a program to run automatically and launch when Gnome starts:

On the Session Manager panel, click the Add button.

The Add Startup Program will appear (Figure 3.22).

Type an executable command in the Startup Command box or click the Browse button to select an executable program file by browsing.

For example, you can enter the command gnp in the Startup Command box, as shown in Figure 3.22, to start the gnotepad+ application.

Assign a priority to the program by using the up and down arrows beside the Priority box.

The lower the priority number, the earlier the program will launch in the startup process.

Click OK to close the Add Startup Program dialog box.

When it closes, the program you added will appear in the Session Manager panel (Figure 3.23).

Click OK to set the program to automatically launch at startup

To view the priorities of currently running programs:

  • With the Session Manager panel open, click the Browse Currently Running Programs button. The Session Manager Properties dialog box will open (Figure 3.24).


    You can use the Session Manager Properties dialog box to change the priority or to close currently running programs.

    Figure 3.24. You can use the Session Properties dialog box to review and edit program launch priorities.

    Figure 3.25. The Desktop Switcher tool can be used to change to a new desktop environment.

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