Installing WordPerfect

Corel WordPerfect is available from a number of sources, including:

Figure 8.1. Corel's linux Web site is located at

  • From the Corel Web site, as a free download

  • From the Red Hat Web site

  • On the supplemental CD if you purchase the commercial version of Red Hat Linux 6 from Red Hat Software

  • On a commercial CD that you can order from Corel Corporation and its distributors

In this chapter, I'll guide you through the installation of the free download from Corel. (After all, why spend money if you don't have to—and why not go to the source?)

Figure 8.2. You can download WordPerfect as one big file or in segments.

To download Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux:

In your browser, go to

Corel's Linux site will open (Figure 8.1).

Click the Free Download link on the right side of the page.

The Download Now page will open. This page provides links with installation instructions and a way to purchase WordPerfect if you prefer not to spend time downloading it. In addition, there are buttons for several download sites that you can use.

Click the CNet Downloads button to proceed to

The CNet page will open in a new browser window with the Corel WordPerfect for Linux page open.

Click Download Now.

A new window with the Corel WordPerfect for Linux User Agreement will open.

Click Yes, I Accept in the lower-left corner.

A new window showing full and segmented downloads will open (Figure 8.2).

Click to download the entire file in one download, or click in a series to download each of seven segments one after the other.


Download the entire file, which is about 24MB, all at once only if you have a broadband connection. Otherwise, if you are using a dial-up modem, you should download the seven segments, each of which is less than 4MB.


A full WordPerfect installation requires about 70MB of free hard-drive space.

To install WordPerfect:

Using Linux File Manager or a terminal window, create a new directory.

This directory will be used as a temporary directory for expanding the downloaded WordPerfect files.

Copy the file (or files)that you downloaded to your new temporary directory.

If you downloaded one file, it will be named gio;g.gz. If you downloaded the seven segments, they will be named gui00.gz...gui06.gz.

For each file you downloaded, in your terminal window in the temporary directory you created, issue a command of the form

gunzip gui00.gz ; tar -xvf gui00

If you downloaded just the one large file, the command will be

gunzip guilg.gz ; tar -xvf guilg

At the prompt, type ./Runme to start the installation program.

You will be asked to provide an installation location, and when, the program starts, a registration number (see the following sections).

To Start WordPerfect:

In a terminal window, change to the wpbin subdirectory of the directory in which you installed WordPerfect.

Type xwp.

Figure 8.3. Click the Retister Now link to obtain a Corel Linux license number.


You can add a menu item for WordPerfect using the Menu Editor, which was explained in Chapter 3. The command for the WordPerfect item should be path/wpbin/xwp, where path is the location where you installed WordPerfect.

Every time you open WordPerfect, you will be prompted for a license number. If you don't supply one within 90 days, your copy of WordPerfect will stop working, and you will have to download a new one and reinstall it.

There is no charge for obtaining a license number, but you do have to register your copy.

To register WordPerfect:

Open the Corel Linux Web page, at

Click the Free Download link on the right of the page.

The Corel Download Now page will open (Figure 8.3).

Scroll down until you see the Register Now link on the right.

Click the Register Now link.

Fill out the form.

Click Submit.

Your license number will appear on the next page.

Write down your license number.

The next time you open Corel WordPerfect, enter the license number in the initial box that opens.

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