Real-world case study – improving customer experience

Now we will take a detailed real-world look at how a CRM system can be implemented to improve customer experience. We begin by looking at the company slogan:

"We make great first impressions last."

Here, we have a slogan that most certainly speaks to the value of customer experience. To make that great first impression and keep it, there are several critical service expectations:

  • Orders must be accurate and easy for customers to place
  • Orders must be delivered on time
  • Quality must be excellent

While listing these customer service goals may seem obvious, explicitly naming your objectives is important when building a CRM system. There is a natural tendency when building a CRM system to focus almost exclusively on customer acquisition and pre-sale activities. We must take care to remember that a CRM system must also support processes that manage the entire customer experience.

These are the kinds of scenarios that you want to consider when building your own CRM system:

  • How are problem orders handled?
  • How is the customer contacted if there is a product back order?
  • If the customer calls, can the service representative easily provide delivery tracking information?
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