Job Title

The Job Title field allows you to manage job titles for employees inside of Odoo:

In this screenshot, we have created a job title of Production Manager for Tina Robbins. As you can see from this form, job titles are tied to departments. This means that to properly configure Odoo, you would need to create job titles across departments. Therefore, you do not necessarily want to name a job simply Manager. That would make it difficult, when looking at the list of job titles, to know within which department that manager may be associated.

Note that there is a place to enter the new employees that are to be expected, and it has a default value of 1. You can also see that the status of this job title shows Recruitment in Progress as well as a Stop Recruitment button, which we will cover later in the chapter.

If you try to save the record, you may get an error, reading Error! You cannot create a recursive hierarchy of employee(s). It appears because Odoo knows Tina is in the Production Department and that the manager of that department should be Tina, and fills in the Manager field. Clear the Manager field to proceed.
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