Modifying the internal report header using QWeb

From the options we have seen so far, it is clear that while we can create a custom footer, we must do something else in order to change the header for our reports. To make this change, we must edit the actual QWeb source that makes up the header of the report.

Let's look at the QWeb for the company header by returning to the General Settings and clicking the link Edit Header. The following is a screenshot of the QWeb used for the external report header:

Here, we can see the actual Qweb code that displays the report header in HTML, which is then converted into a PDF report. As was mentioned earlier in the chapter, modifying reports is not something that should typically be attempted by end users. This example is to demonstrate how you can make a small change to a report. By analyzing other reports in Odoo, it is possible to make your own custom reports. Just be prepared for a considerable learning curve if you are new to XML and template languages.

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