Finding your Odoo configuration file and installing it

During your installation of Odoo, a configuration file was created that contains the necessary parameters for starting your Odoo server.

In the Ubuntu desktop, you can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + T to bring up a Terminal window.

If you have performed a manual installation, then this file is in the Debian directory. We will now look at the Odoo configuration file so we can find the directory for our Odoo installation and modify the addons_path to contain our new directory:

You can use the following command to edit the configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/odoo/odoo.conf.

You will notice that the very last line in our configuration file contains the addons_path to the location of the source of the Odoo applications.

Nano is a relatively simple text editor. A few of the more important commands you will need to use include the following:

  • Ctrl+O to write out any changes you may make. You will be prompted for a file name.
  • Ctrl+X to exit Nano.
  • Ctrl+C to cancel an action.

After exiting Nano, you can verify the location of the Odoo applications by using the following commands in the Terminal:

cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons

If you use the ls command, you will then see the directories containing the source code for the Odoo applications.

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