Performing a custom search

While the default filters may help us find most of the data records we seek, it is inevitable that there will come a time when we will need a more customized search. To create a custom search, open up the Filters drop-down menu and then click on Add Custom Filter to expand the available options. Here, we will get a drop-down list of fields that can be used to set our search criteria:

Choosing a field from the list will allow you to select a criterion from the available search operators, as well as specify the data for which you wish to search. Click on Add a condition to enter further criteria. Clicking on the small x to the right of a search condition will delete that condition from your custom filter.

In Odoo, you will often find it a best practice to make records inactive when they are no longer required. For example, if you discontinue a product, you will often find yourself unable to delete that product because there are transactions tied to it. Therefore, you will wish to deactivate that product record. By default, Odoo will hide inactive records. If you need to retrieve inactive records, use a custom filter to create a condition where the Active field is false and then apply it to this filter.

You can continue to add additional criteria to your custom filter. When you have specified all the criteria you wish to use in your search, click on the Apply button to apply the custom filter:

In the custom filter option, we have specified two conditions: Active must be is true or the Sale Price for the customer must be greater than or equal to a value of 100. Many users can get confused and believe that this filter would imply that both Active and Sale Price must meet our criteria, but this is not so. Note the or to the left of the second condition.

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