Adding PayPal as a payment processor

While Odoo only includes Wire Transfer by default, the framework is modular and can be extended to include additional payment methods.

One of the most popular e-commerce payment processors, PayPal, can be quickly installed and integrated into your Odoo e-commerce system.

We have to install a PayPal payment processor a little differently because it is not a full application, but rather a module. We still need to go to Settings and Local Apps, but we will need to uncheck the Apps filter from the search.

After clearing the Apps filter, simply type in PayPal to see the standard Install button:

Once you've clicked Install, the screen will refresh and you will be left on the Apps screen with the apps filter back in place. We now need to go to the Website Admin menu and choose the Payment Acquirers option in the eCommerce section to bring up the list of payment acquirers. You should now see the PayPal provider in that list.

As you can see, it is possible to install a Payment Acquirer through this list rather than having to go into the Apps form and install it there.

Click PayPal to open the form and see the available options, as shown in the following screenshot:

You should see, under the Environment option, that Odoo defaults to the Test environment, which PayPal calls the sandbox. This allows you to configure your Paypal Email ID and PayPal Merchant ID at the bottom and begin testing your store. Once you have everything worked out, you can turn the environment from Test to Production.

Naturally, you will need to set up a PayPal account and use the credentials they give you to fill out the form.

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