Understanding groups in Odoo

In Odoo, you give users permissions by assigning the users to groups. Once a user is assigned to a group then the user has all the permissions and options that are associated with that group. Users can belong, and often do belong, to more than one group. To see the list of groups that are currently available in your Odoo installation, you will need to turn on the developer settings. To do this, go to the Settings menu at the top of the page and then choose Dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:


At the bottom-right-hand side of the page, you will find a link to Activate the developer mode. Clicking this link will then refresh the settings menu and provide you with many more options for administering your Odoo installation.

Once you have successfully entered developer mode, you can manage the user groups in Odoo by clicking the Groups link under the Settings menu:

As you can see, Odoo has a lot of groups. Fortunately, once you understand how groups work, you will easily be able to determine exactly what options are available to a user when you put them in a specific group.

For our example, let's examine the Sales / Manager group. You can find this group by scrolling down the list of groups or by using the search function to narrow the list until you can find the group that you are looking for.

Like other lists, clicking the Sales / Manager group brings up the following form:

At the very top of the form, on the left, you can see that a group is always associated with a given application. In this case, the group is associated with the Sales application. On the right is the name Manager. Odoo automatically adds a slash (/) between the application and the name when displaying a full name in the list.

As you can see, the first page lists the users that are assigned to the group. Naturally, you can add and remove users from this group as required. You will also notice that there are seven pages on this form that allow you to configure exactly what permissions a group will offer to its users.

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