Using Odoo to schedule calls, meetings, and events

Often when working with Leads and opportunities, you will find it beneficial to schedule meetings and calls. Odoo provides a built-in meeting scheduler that you can use specifically to manage your schedule and relate those events to customers within Odoo. Odoo considers it so useful that they have a dedicated menu for it! Let's take a look at how we can schedule an event in Odoo. Meeting scheduling is handled in the messaging menu of Odoo. Begin by choosing Calendar from the main menu.

Odoo will then display your personal calendar:

Odoo will bring up the current week. Arrows at the top left of the form allow you to quickly navigate to the previous and next month, respectively. To the right of the title is the option to look at the calendar by week or by day. This can be particularly valuable to see more information when you have many meetings scheduled.

On the far right, you have a small calendar for the next month. This small calendar is interactive and you can use it to quickly jump to that month and even a specific day.

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