Confirming a purchase order

Once you have a final quotation, you are ready to confirm the purchase order. It is very important to understand that once you have confirmed, it becomes a purchase order and it can no longer be modified. Once you are sure you wish to finalize the purchase order, click the Confirm Order button. Any modifications that need to be made at this stage would require you to duplicate and cancel the original order. This is necessary so that Odoo can maintain an audit trail.

If you happen to receive an error message reading No Expense Account when you attempt to confirm the order, check your settings for your chart of accounts. You must have an expense account designated for the products contained on the PO.

The following screenshot shows an example of a confirmed purchase order:

A confirmed purchase order

Once you have confirmed, the form will refresh to show the new status of the purchase order. At this point, you are waiting on the vendor to deliver the products and send you an invoice. The status is updated to Purchase Order and is now just one step from the Done condition.

After clicking Confirm, you will notice in the upper-right corner that we can see there is one incoming shipment. Each of these is an active button that you can click to see the corresponding shipments or invoices associated with this purchase order.

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