Handling Back Orders

Sometimes for various reasons you will not receive all the product you have ordered. For the products that have not arrived it is common to designate them as being on back order. You will be prompted to create a back order whenever you enter less into the Done column than the Initial Demand column.

Below you can see the form that lets you decide how to handle receipts that do match the initial quantity you ordered.

Clicking Create Back Order will create another receiving ticket with the remaining quantity. If however you wish not to expect the missing quantity you can click No Back Order and instead the remaining products will be canceled.  

After a back order is created you can see it referenced within the list view so you know always how the back order is tied to the original order. In the example below we can tell that the receipt reference WH/IN/00003 was created because we didn’t receive all the items in receipt WH/IN/00002. We can also see that both receiving tickets, which are recorded as Transfers within Odoo, are from purchase order PO00002

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Also, you can continue to create additional back orders from back orders. For example, if all of the remaining items don’t come in for a back order you can just receive less items and another back order will be created.

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