Chapter 2. Breaking Ground with Sandbox

You may now be asking yourself, "I've downloaded the CryENGINE 3 SDK. Now how do I start making games with it?" Such a question has far-reaching implications and is awfully difficult to answer! So in my attempt to answer this question, let's create our own game together, in a short amount of time, using some of the functions and entities that the CryENGINE 3 SDK gives to us straight out of the box.

In this chapter, we will be:

  • Beginning with our first example using out of the box features of the engine
  • Creating and sculpting terrain for a new level, from scratch
  • Creating and using terrain texture layers
  • Creating vegetation groups and applying them to your level
  • Creating and setting a basic time of day to light our level

What makes a game?

In the previous chapter, we saw that majority of the games created on the CryENGINE SDK have historically been first-person shooters containing a mix of sandbox and directed gameplay. If you have gone so far as to purchase a book on the use of the CryENGINE 3 SDK, then I am certain that you have had some kind of idea for a game, or even improvements to existing games, that you might want to make. It has been my experience professionally that should you have any of these ideas and want to share or sell them, the ideas that are presented in a playable format, even in early prototype form, are far more effective and convincing than any PowerPoint presentation or 100-page design document.

Reducing, reusing, recycling

Good practice when creating prototypes and smaller scale games, especially if you lack the expertise in creating certain assets and code, is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. To break down what I mean:

  • Reduce the amount of new assets and new code you need to make
  • Reuse existing assets and code in new and unique ways
  • Recycle the sample assets and code provided, and then convert them for your own uses
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