We will see in this section that the nullvector of the dependence matrix A of some variable v describes a subdomain Bx1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100. We will prove that all points in B contain the same instance of v.

11.6.1 The Nullspace of A

If the dependence matrix A is rank deficient, then the number of independent nullvectors associated with A is given by

(11.22) c11e022

where n is the number of indices of the algorithm. These nullvectors define the nullspace of matrix A.

Now assume a specific instance for the variable v(c). The following theorem identifies the points in x1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100 that use that variable.

Theorem 11.1

Consider a particular nullvector e associated with a variable v. If two distinct points p1 and p2 use the same instance v(c), then the vector connecting the two points is a nullvector of A.


Assume the two points use the same instance v(c). Substitute the two points into Eq. 11.21 to get

(11.23) c11e023

(11.24) c11e024

Subtracting the two equations, we get

(11.25) c11e025

We can write above equation as

(11.26) c11e026

where α ≠ 0. Therefore, the vector connecting the two points is a nullvector of A. Now assume the two points lie along the nullvector e. We can write

(11.27) c11e027

where α ≠ 0 since the two points are distinct. We can write

(11.28) c11e028

Thus, the vector connecting the two points is a nullvector.

Now assume that p1 is associated with the variable instance v(c1) and p2 is associated with the variable instance v(c2), but the vector connecting the two points is a nullvector of A. We can use Eq. 11.21 to get

(11.29) c11e029

(11.30) c11e030

Subtracting the above two equations, we get

(11.31) c11e031

From Eqs. 11.28 and 11.31, we have

(11.32) c11e032

This implies that c1 = c2. This proves the theorem.

We conclude from the above theorem that if the rank of the dependence matrix A associated with variable v is less than n, then there is a set of nullvectors of A associated with the variable v. This set defines a subdomain B. An instance of v is defined over a subdomain Bx1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100, which we call the broadcast subdomain. Every point in B sees the same instance of v.

Every variable v of the algorithm, indexed by the pair [A, a], is associated with a broadcast subdomain B whose basis vectors are the nullspace of A. The basis vectors will prove useful to pipeline the variable v and eliminate broadcasting.

The dimension of the broadcast subdomain B is given by [85]

(11.33) c11e033

where n is the dimension of the computation domain x1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100.

From Eq. 11.1, the index dependence of the input variable M1(i, j) is given by

(11.34) c11e034

The rank of A1 is two. This implies that its nullspace basis vector space is only one-dimensional (1-D), corresponding to one vector only. That nullspace basis vector could be given by

(11.35) c11e035

We note that the broadcast domain for M1(i, j) is 1-D and coincides with the k-axis. Figure 11.2a shows the broadcast domain B1 for the output variable instance M1(c1, c2). This output is calculated using all the points in x1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100 whose indices are (c1 c2 k), where 0 ≤ k < K.

Figure 11.2 The broadcast subdomain for input and output variables. (a) Subdomain B1 for variable M1(c1, c2). (b) Subdomain B2 for variable M2(c1, c2). (c) Subdomain B3 for variable M3(c1, c2).


From Eq. 11.1, the index dependence of the input variable M2(i, k) is given by

(11.36) c11e036

The rank of A2 is two. This implies that its nullspace basis vectors space is only 1-D, corresponding to one vector only. That basis vector of its nullspace could be given by

(11.37) c11e037

Figure 11.2b shows the broadcast domain B2 for the input variable instance M2(c1, c2). This input is supplied to all the points in x1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100 whose indices are (c1 j c2), where 0 ≤ j < J.

From Eq. 11.1, the index dependence of the input variables M3(k, j) is given by

(11.38) c11e038

The rank of A3 is two. This implies that its nullspace basis vectors space is only 1-D, corresponding to one vector only. That basis vector of its nullspace could be given by

(11.39) c11e039

Figure 11.2c shows the broadcast domain B3 for the input variable instance M3(c1, c2). This input is supplied to all the points in x1D49F_EuclidMathOne_10n_000100 whose indices are (i c2 c1), where 0 ≤ i < I. Note that for this variable in particular, the first index c1 maps to the k-axis and the second index c2 maps to the j-axis. This stems from the fact that we indexed this input variable using the notation M3(k, j) in our original algorithm in Eq. 11.1.

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