What you need for this book

For Moodle, you must have the following components up and running on your server (at the time of writing for version 3.0):

  • Database: MySQL (version 5.5.31 or later with the InnoDB storage engine activated), PostgreSQL (9.1 or later), Microsoft SQL Server (2008 or later), Oracle (10.2 or later), or Maria DB (5.5.31 or later)
  • Web server: Apache is the preferred web server, but Microsoft IIS is also possible
  • PHP 5.4.4 or later is required to run Moodle (PHP 7 is supported as well)

PHP extensions: Moodle makes use of a number of PHP extensions—most of which are compiled in PHP by default.

Depending on your specific setup, additional software and hardware might be required.

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