Moodle themes

Moodle provides a flexible skinning mechanism to brand your site according to existing guidelines. As mentioned in the introduction, we will only cover the theme settings that can be accessed from the Moodle administration menu. For details on how to create Moodle themes, refer to the Designing Moodle Themes, Susan Smith Nash, Packt Publishing video by Packt Publishing, or contact your Moodle Partner who will be able to offer you professional theme design services. There are also some good pointers that you can find at, which assume that you have a good understanding of HTML and CSS.

Fixed width versus fluid versus responsive themes

There are three types of Moodle themes that are supported by Moodle. They are as follows:

  • Fixed width themes: These are themes where the width of the canvas is fixed, for example, to 1,024 points. The advantage of this is the simplicity of development but the downsides are a high degree of inflexibility. Fixed width themes can only be justified if all your users use exactly the same screen resolution and no mobile devices have to be supported.
  • Fluid themes: Fluid or dynamic width themes use up a certain percentage of a user's screen estate. This can be limited by minimum and maximum widths, for example, a theme uses up 100% of the screen width but not more than 1,600 pixels. More flexible than fixed width themes, but there is a requirement to have a dedicated theme for different types of devices.
  • Responsive themes: Responsive themes adapt to the device, its screen resolution, and the screen orientation automatically. Not only this, they also change due to the content that is displayed, navigation that is used, and the orientation of the screen elements. Responsive Moodle themes are based on Bootstrap 3.


The future of e-learning is in mobiles, and this is reflected by Moodle, which only ships two responsive themes called Clean and More.

Selecting a Moodle theme

Themes, standard or custom, can be selected by going to Appearance | Themes | Theme Selector:

Selecting a Moodle theme

You can select up to four themes for your site that support different device types, which are as follows:

  • Default: This is the theme that is normally used unless any of the other types are detected. Device detection has to be enabled in the theme settings.
  • Legacy: If you have users in your system who are stuck in the previous millennium, that is, still using Internet Explorer 6, this theme will be used instead of the default one. Moodle does not ship with a theme that supports legacy browsers, but you can install one from called Standard (legacy).
  • Mobile: This theme is used when a smartphone is detected.
  • Tablet: This theme is used when a tablet is detected.


All modern browsers (the latest versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari) are fully supported by Moodle. Internet Explorer 8 and other old browsers are not supported! IE 10 is required for the drag and drop upload of content from outside the browser into Moodle.

If you use a responsive theme, which is highly recommended, there is usually no need to select a theme for legacy, mobiles, and tablets.

The Clear theme caches button at the top of the screen is relevant if changes have been made to the themes and updates have not been propagated yet.


Make sure that the selected theme is compatible with you version of Moodle. Older themes will not work in Moodle 3+. You must only use themes that support the Moodle 3 theme engine.

Theme types

To understand most theme settings, we require a little bit of background. Like roles, themes are assigned in different contexts, namely, Site (system), User, Course, and Category. However, two additional areas, that is, Session and Page, are supported by Moodle. These so-called theme types are explained in the following list:

  • Site theme: If no other theme is selected, this theme is applied throughout the site. This is the default when you first install Moodle.
  • User theme: If enabled, users are allowed to select their personal theme as part of their profile.
  • Course theme: If enabled, each editing teacher can specify a course theme in the course settings (Force theme parameter in course settings).
  • Category theme: This theme can be set for each course category (this is the Force theme parameter in the category settings).
  • Session theme: If you need to apply a theme temporarily (that is, until you log out), you can add the theme parameter to the URL of a course. For example, on our site, we would replace http://.../course/view.php?id=5 with http://.../course/view.php?id=5&theme=packttheme.
    • There are a number of scenarios where this feature is useful. Theme testing provides themes through links instead of Moodle settings (theme gallery or theme switching)
    • Provision of themes for different devices, for example, for mobile phones or game consoles.
  • Page theme: Page themes are set in code and have only been added for completeness.

The following table shows theme priority: where it is displayed and where the setting is changed. To change the precedence order, modify the $CFG->themeorder parameter in config.php. The default is set to array('page', 'course', 'category', 'session', 'user', 'site');:




Setting location



This displays all the pages, except the course and category, if set.

Theme selector



This displays all the pages, except course and category, if set.

User profile




Course settings



This displays all the courses in the category, except the course, if set.

Category editing



This displays all the pages, except the course and category, if set.




This depends on code

In code

There is some trade-off when allowing theme types other than the site theme: while allowing User, Course, Category, and other such themes, additional processing is required that will add overhead to your system and place an increased demand on your server. However, not allowing these themes limits the level of customization that can be carried out in your site (uniformity versus personalization).

Theme settings

Armed with all the information to this point, the theme settings (go to Appearance | Themes | Theme settings) are almost self-explanatory:

Theme settings



Theme list

To limit the number of available themes, name them in the text box, separated by commas and with no spaces!

Theme designer mode

This is only for theme designers or developers. It effectively turns off theme caching. Do not use this on a production site as it will slow down your system significantly!

Allow user themes

Users will be able to set their own themes.

Allow course themes

Editing teachers can set course themes.

Allow category themes

This enables category themes.

Allow theme changes in the URL

This enables session themes.

Allow users to hide blocks

By default, users are allowed to show and hide blocks through the icon present at the top-right of each block, which toggles between a plus and minus symbol. This can be turned off if the functionality is not wanted.

Allow blocks to use the dock

By default, all blocks can be docked in the sidebar through the dock icon. This can be turned off if the functionality is not required.

Custom menu items

Here, you can add a pull-down menu underneath the header of your page. Each entry represents a menu item in the form of <Indent><Text>[|<URL>][|<Tooltip>][|<Language>].

<Indent> is a series of hyphens: no hyphens indicate a top-level menu; one hyphen, a sub-menu; two hyphens, a sub-sub-menu; and so on. <Text> is the label of the menu item, the optional <URL> is the internal or external link, and <Tooltip> is the optional balloon help.

For example, the following Custom menu items entry will generate the menu shown in the theme in the first screenshot of the chapter:

Theme settings

You can add a language code or a separated list of codes as the last item, which will only be shown if the user has currently selected the listed language, for example English|||en and German|||de,de_du, de_kids.

User menu items

This is similar to the previous menu but only customizes the user menu at the top-right corner. You can specify which menu items will appear between Profile and Logout as these two items cannot be removed.

Theme settings

The syntax for each entry is as follows:


<Item>is either a text entry (in our example Moodle home page) or a pair<langstringname><componentname>. The former is an entry from the language pack, the latter is the name of the Moodle component. An example of this is editmyprofile,core|/user/edit.php|edit.

Enable device detection

Moodle can distinguish between the default and legacy browsers as well as the mobile and tablet devices. If enabled, different themes can be selected for each device type.

Device detection regular expressions

Unsupported device types can be added if you know the regular expression (also known as the mobile browser ID or user agent string) that will be sent by the device.

Now that we have the skill set to work with themes, it is time to customize the existing themes.

Customizing themes

As an administrator, you are unlikely to be involved in the creation of a full-blown custom theme as this task requires strong designing skills and a deep knowledge of CSS and HTML. However, you will be able to make basic modifications to existing themes.

Theme customization basics

Moodle uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to describe the presentation of each element that is displayed. CSS is used to define different aspects of the HTML and XHTML presentation, including colors, fonts, layouts, and so on.

To learn more about theme basics, go to, where you will find a very well-documented and detailed help section. You might also want to install a number of useful tools when customizing themes such as the popular Firebug.

At the heart of CSS are so-called styles; Moodle uses consistently plain English for the naming of styles. For the forum elements that are displayed in the following screenshot, a few sample styles have been labeled:

Theme customization basics

You can see that each element of Moodle is represented by a style. In total, there are well over 2,000 (!) styles in Moodle, which give a designer a high degree of freedom.

Moodle themes can be customized through their respective settings by going to Appearance | Themes | <Theme name>. Different themes provide different settings. Here is a screenshot of the different types of parameters in the More theme:

Theme customization basics

Typical theme settings include the following elements:

  • Font size: This is the default font size that's used in a theme.
  • Color picker: This refers to the selection of foreground and background colors, link colors, or the header color. The color picker offers a preview, which is quite helpful.
  • Image: A URL can be specified to replace the one shown in the header or background.
  • Column width: You can choose the width of the center column in terms of pixels. Other (usually fixed width) themes let you specify the width of the left-hand side and right-hand side column, separately.
  • Languages menu: This is a checkbox that indicates whether the languages menu is shown.
  • Footnote: The footnote text can be fully customized through the standard Moodle editor, that is, images or the HTML code can be also added.
  • Custom CSS: This text box, which has been added to all the themes that ship with the core Moodle, lets you change any style in the theme. In the following example, the background of the body has been changed to black with yellow text. Additionally, font-size has been increased to 16px. These settings are useful for learners who are visually impaired:
    Theme customization basics

The Clean and More themes that ship with Moodle let you customize your site to a certain degree via the Moodle frontend without needing to edit CSS files in the server. For example, the site that has been used to take screenshots for this book has been themed using the More theme.

A popular theme that you will find in the themes section on is called Essential. Once installed (refer to Chapter 8, Moodle Plugins), it provides a wide range of customization options, ranging from custom menus, front page slide shows, and marketing spots to social networking icons and links to mobile apps. Here is a sample customization of the Essential theme:

Theme customization basics
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