Chapter 6. Managing Permissions – Roles and Capabilities

We already touched upon permissions in Chapter 3, Courses, Users, and Roles. Now we want to cover roles and capabilities fully, which is a complex but powerful subject. Roles define what users can and cannot see and do in your Moodle system.

In this chapter, we will:

  • Understand how permissions work and how they fit into different contexts
  • Assign roles to different users in different contexts
  • Modify roles and create new ones, including a role for parents or mentors
  • Manage a range of administrative role-related settings

Let's start with a short definition that should be borne in mind when managing permissions.


A role is a collection of capabilities with corresponding permissions.

Moodle predefined roles

Moodle comes with a number of predefined roles. These standard roles are suitable for most educational setups, but some institutions require modifications to the roles system to tailor Moodle to their specific needs.

Each role has capabilities for a number of actions that can be carried out. For example, an administrator and a course creator are allowed to create new courses, whereas all the other roles are denied this right. Likewise, a teacher is allowed to moderate forums, whereas students are only allowed to contribute to them.

The description of each standard role and the short names that are used, internally and in operations, such as user batch upload, given by Moodle, are listed in the following table:



Short Name


Administrators have full access to the entire site and to all the courses


Course creator

Course creators can create new courses, but not participate or teach in them

course creator


Managers can access courses and modify them, without participation



Editing teachers can do anything within a course, including changing activities and grading students

editing teacher

Non-editing teacher

Non-editing teachers can teach in courses and grade students, but not alter any activities



Students can participate in courses



Guests have minimal privileges and usually cannot enter any content


Authenticated user

All logged-in users


Authenticated user on frontpage

All users logged in to the frontpage course


Before we can actually do anything with roles, we need to understand the concept of contexts, which is dealt with next.

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