Moodle Adminer

Adminer is an open-source tool to administer different types of SQL databases. A wrapper has been created that lets you access the tool directly from within Moodle. Like Moosh, Moodle Adminer will have to be installed in your Local plugins section (see Chapter 8, Moodle Plugins for details). You will find the installer at

Once it's installed, you get access to the database management console via Server | Moodle Adminer. As soon as you select the link, the tool will be opened in a modal window and the underlying database used will be opened.

Moodle Adminer

Once you have selected a database, you will be able to perform operations (such as querying, altering data, or creating an SQL dump) without any SQL knowledge. Make sure you only change data if you know what you are doing—otherwise you might introduce an inconsistency to you database and Moodle will not work as expected.

We will not go into using Adminer in detail, since this is beyond the scope of this chapter. You can find all the information you are looking for at

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