
The reach is a compound exercise that will target your body’s trouble zones while challenging your balance. Pay attention to your form as you complete this exercise.


Sit with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, back slightly reclined, and hands on the floor near your hips with fingers pointing at heels. Raise your butt off the floor, supporting your body weight between your hands and feet. Keep hips elevated.


Thread left leg behind right leg as you lift right hand off the floor. Extend both right arm and left leg as far as possible, pulling up through the bottom of the rib cage. Hold for a second.


Bring left foot and right hand to the floor, returning to the starting position.


Thread right leg behind left leg as you lift left hand off the floor. Extend right leg and left arm as far as possible and pause for a second. Return to the starting position and repeat, alternating sides. Keep hips elevated, core tight, and glutes engaged.

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