Hip Opener

Opening the hips can have many benefits; easing back pain, improving your gait, and even improving circulation in the legs. The hip opener stretches the groin, lower back, base of the spine, and hips. By releasing the muscles of the hips (the psoas major and illiacus), you can prevent injury and boost athletic performance.


Stand tall, with feet wider than shoulders and arms loosely hanging by sides. Turn your feet out, opening your hips.


Bend at the knees, lowering hips toward the floor. Try to get as deep as you can while maintaining a long spine. Keep your knees directly over your toes; don’t allow them to buckle inward.


Bring your elbows to the insides of your thighs and gently press them out. Hold for approximately 30 seconds while you take long, deep breaths. Repeat three times.

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