
Credit is due to so many incredible people who have contributed time, energy, and more than a little sweat into the production of this guide.

Thank you to DK Publishing for believing in me and making this project possible. I hope our guide will empower readers to take control of their fitness goals and have fun in the process.

A very special thank you to my editors, Brook Farling and Ann Barton, whose enthusiasm and passion for this project were abundant from start to finish. It would not have been possible without you.

To my fellow Brit, Nigel Wright, many thanks need to be bestowed for the incredible art direction and stunning visual design.

Brandt Construction needs a “cheers” for loaning us such a spectacular location for our shoot and for only letting us get stuck in the freight elevator once.

A HUGE thank you to my clients; your sweat provided the motivation for each page and your dedication and commitment is my daily inspiration.

Special thanks to Tom Zupancic (Zup), for your wisdom, the doors you opened, and for igniting a fire in me, as well as to Tracy Anderson, who set me on this path.

Thank you to the Indianapolis Colts, the Irsay Family, Pete Ward, Stephanie Pemberton, and Kelly Tilley for giving me the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible organization and for allowing me to train the women of the Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders.

Thanks to Breanna, Brittany, Crystal Anne, and Erin who bring this guide to life with their strength and beauty. Enormous credit is due to Matt Bowen, your photography perfectly captures the grit, sexiness, and strength of HIIT as well as the power and confidence of the models—CHIN DOWN!

Finally, thank you to you, the reader. Whatever your end goal, I hope this guide challenges and inspires you. I don’t promise it will be easy, but it will be worth it.


For Rochelle and Chloe, words do not suffice nor could they describe what you mean to me. I am blessed to love and be loved by you.

To my family and friends near and far, whose unconditional love and support allows me to believe anything is possible, but especially to my mother and father, who have given me both roots and wings.

Finally, for anyone with a dream or goal: by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, you find out what you are truly capable of becoming.

Your wings already exist; all you need to do is fly.

All images © Dorling Kindersley Limited

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