The 7-Day Challenge

Looking to drop up to five pounds in seven days? Need to inject a little fire into your regular workout regime? The 7-Day Challenge introduces some new HIIT routine formats and features exercises designed to burn fat, lose weight, increase strength, and improve athletic performance.

Level 1

Build a strong foundation from the ground up. The 7-Day Challenge includes plyometrics and strength- building exercises, as well as routines that focus on the legs and core.

Levels 2 and 3

Routines featuring a blend of short and long sets, plyometrics, compound strength exercises, and core-building exercises will kick your workouts into high gear. Give it all you’ve got, and you’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve in just seven days.



To perform your best and prevent injury, begin each routine with a three- to five-minute warm up.

The 7-Day Challenge introduces more athletic exercises, so form is more important than ever. Be sure you know how to do each exercise correctly before beginning your routine.

Expect to be sore. If your workouts are as intense as they should be, you will be sore the next day. Remember that sore muscles are not the same as pain due to injury.

This program was designed to be undertaken on back-to-back days, but if necessary, you can take a rest day between workouts. Listen to your body and allow the appropriate recovery time.

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