Up Down

This exercise makes the simple movement of getting up off the floor fun and challenging. Build core stability and strengthen your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings as you move up and then back down.


Begin in a kneeling position. Keep your torso tall, with your head up, shoulders back, and core engaged. If kneeling is uncomfortable, place a rolled towel under your knees.


Bring your right leg forward and place your foot on the floor in front of you. Your leg should be bent at 90 degrees and your thigh should be parallel to the floor.


Bring the left leg forward and place the left foot next to the right. You should now be in a squat position with both legs bent at 90 degrees and thighs parallel to the floor.


Return right leg to kneeling position, followed by left leg. Repeat, alternating the lead leg.

Trainer tip

The faster you can go, the higher you’ll raise your heart rate. Just remember, form first and speed second.

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