Hands on 7 - saving data from a feedback form

In Chapter 2, Creating Flow through Point and Click, in the Hands on 3 - displaying a feedback form based on conditions section, we created a Flow for survey purposes, which is Displaying feedback form based on age. Now, a business user wants to save the survey detail in a custom object so that in future, they can run the report and get consolidated feedback. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. First of all, create a custom object Survey to save the survey data and set the record name as Text data type. Create two fields, as shown in the following screenshot, and grant permission to the respective profiles:
  2. Navigate to Setup | Build | Create | Workflow & Approvals | Flows.
  3. Open the Flow Displaying feedback form based on age.
  4. Remember that we haven't activated this Flow yet. Now we will add a Record Create element to this Flow. Navigate to the Palette tab and drag and drop the Record Create element onto the canvas; this will open a new window, where you have to enter following details:
    • Name: Enter the name for the Record Create element. In this case, enter Create Survey Record as Name.
    • Unique Name: This will be autopopulated based on the name.
    • Description: Write some meaningful text so that another developer/administrator can easily understand why this Record Create element was created. When you select the Record Create element in the Explorer tab, the description appears in the Description pane.
    • Create: Select the object for which you want to create the record. In this case, select the Survey__c object.
    • The next task is to assign the value or resource to the object fields (data types must match). Map the Name field with the screen input field {!Name}, the Email_Address__C field with the screen input field {!Email_Address}, and the Rating__c field with the screen input field {!Rating}, as shown in the upcoming screenshot. To assign value to multiple fields, click on Add Row link.
    • Variable: Optionally, you can save the new record's ID into a variable so that you can use it later in the Flow.

This will look like what is shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Once you are done, click on the OK button.
  2. Use the connector to connect the Screen and Record Create elements with the rest of the Flow, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. If you are done with the Flow designs, click on the Save button to save the changes and don't forget to close the Flow Designer.
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