How it works...

Raising telemetry events in your on-premises application will allow you to collect data for analysis later. This data could be used to determine how well your application is performing, debugging why a feature is not working as intended, or simply logging how many times a certain function is executed.

When you raise the telemetry event with the SendTraceTag function, you need to set a few things:

  • Tag: A unique identifier for the event
  • Category: A way to group your events to identify them more easily
  • Verbosity: The log level (Critical, Warning, or Error)
  • Message: The text that you want to appear in the event
  • DataClassification: Identifies the type of data in the event

By setting all of these components, and placing the calls to SendTraceTag throughout your AL code, you will be able to capture the data you need to perform your analysis.

When the event is logged, an Event ID is assigned to the entry. The Event ID is determined by the combination of the verbosity and data classification properties that you use:

DataClassification Verbosity Event ID




Critical 700
Error 701
Normal 702
Verbose 704
Warning 705



Critical 707
Error 708
Normal 709
Verbose 711
Warning 712
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