How to do it...

  1. Open your televisionShow folder in Visual Studio Code.
  2. In Explorer, create a new file named webServices.xml.
  1. Add the following XML code to the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You can use the twebservices snippet to create the basic structure for the web services file.
  1. Add another TenantWebService block to the XML code:
You can use the twebservice snippet to create the basic structure for a web service. You can add multiple web services to a single file.
  1. Now, build and publish your application using F5 and log in to your development sandbox.
  2. In your development sandbox, use the  icon to search for Web Services and click the link to open the page.

Filter the list of available web services by applying a filter of tv* to the Service Name field, and you should see the web services that we added in our application:

These web services are now ready to be consumed from an external application!

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