How it works...

A code repository is a place where you store your source code. With Azure DevOps, you can create a repository based on two different source code management systems:

  1. Git is a distributed source control system that allows developers to work in offline copies of the repository, where they can commit their changes as they work. Multiple branches can be created so that the developer can easily and quickly switch between multiple versions of the repository. Eventually, each developer syncs their commits back to the online repository.
  1. Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) is a centralized source control system wherein each developer works within a single version of the repository. Branching and maintaining multiple versions of the source code can only be done by using folders within the repository. TFVC allows you to work in two modes:
    • Server workspace mode: All files are maintained on the server and developers check their changes into the server repository.
    • Local workspace mode: Developers work on a local copy of the server repository. As the developer completes their code edits, they check those changes back into the server repository.
When creating an Azure repository, the default source control system is Git. Git is recommended for projects and development teams of all sizes.

A new repository can be created in a number of different ways:

  1. Push an existing local repository to Azure DevOps using Git commands, as follows:
git remote add origin https://<yourOrganization><yourOrganization/<projectName>/_git/<repoName>
git push -u origin --all
  1. Import a repository from an existing GitHub or TFVC repository.
  2. Initialize a new repository via the Azure DevOps web interface.

You can create one or more repositories within a single Azure DevOps project. The choice is yours.

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