How to do it...

  1. Open the PowerShell ISE in administrator mode and create a new script file.
  2. Add the following code:
$appFile = '<pathToAppFile>'
$appName = 'ALProject1'
$appVersion = ''
$serverInstanceName = '<yourServerInstanceName>'
$rtcPath = "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central*RoleTailored Client"

Import-Module $(Join-Path $rtcPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Apps.Management.psd1') -DisableNameChecking -Force

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstanceName -Path $appFile -PackageType Extension -SkipVerification
Sync-NavApp -ServerInstance $serverInstanceName -Name $appName -Version $appVersion -Tenant Default
Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstanceName -Name $appName –Tenant Default

Make sure that you set the correct values for these variables:

  • appFile: The full file path to Default publisher_ALProject1_1.0.0.0.appwhich you previously downloaded
  • serverInstanceName: The Business Central service tier name (for example, BC140) that is connected to your sandbox
The skipVerification parameter is required when you are publishing unsigned applications. If you have digitally signed your application, then you do not need to use this parameter.
  1. Save the script as InstallApp.ps1 and run it.
The script will perform the three steps necessary to install a Business Central application: publish, sync, and install.

When the install command is executed, any install logic that is in the application will be executed.
  1. Log in to your sandbox and verify that the application is installed.
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