How to do it...

  1. Open your AL project in Visual Studio Code. In Explorer, select the Television Show file and add the HelpLink page property, as highlighted in the following code:
PageType = List;
ApplicationArea = All;
UsageCategory = Lists;
Editable = false;
CardPageId = "Television Show Card";
SourceTable = "Television Show";
HelpLink = '';
  1. Press F5 to build and publish your application.
  2. Once your browser opens and you log in to your sandbox, you will be on the Television Show List. Select the  icon at the top right and select Help:

You will be directed to your new custom help link. The link does not point to a real page, as it is just to illustrate the point.

  1. Close the Television Show List and use the  icon at the top right to search for items. Click the link to open the Items list. Select the  icon at the top right and select Help. You will see that you're directed to the Microsoft online help website, and not your custom website.
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