Standard quantity symbols and their units

Publisher Summary

This chapter discusses a number of standard quantity symbols and their respective units. Acceleration can be of various types, such as gravitational, linear, angular acceleration, and angular velocity, and their quantity symbol is g, a, α, and ω, respectively. The symbol of time is t and its unit is second, whereas Torque (T) is measured Newton meter. The symbol of Young’s modulus of elasticity is E and its unit is Pascal (PA). The symbol of work is W and its unit of measurement is joule (J).

Quantity Quantity symbol Unit Unit symbol
Acceleration: gravitational g metres per second squared m/s2
linear a metres per second squared m/s2
Angular acceleration α radians per second squared rad/s2
Angular velocity ω radians per second rad/s
Area A square metres m2
Area, second moment of I (metre)4 m4
Capacitance C farad F
Capacity V litres I
Coefficient of friction µ No unit  
Coefficient of linear expansion α per degree Celsius /°C
Conductance G seimens S
Cubical expansion, coefficient of γ per degree Celsius /°C
Current I ampere A
Density ρ kilogram per cubic metre kg/m3
Density, relative d no unit  
Dryness fraction x no unit  
Efficiency η no unit  
Elasticity, modulus of E Pascal (1 Pa = 1 N/m2) Pa
Electric field strength E volts per metre V/m
Electric flux density D coulomb per square metre C/m2
Energy W joules J
Energy, internal U,E joules J
Energy, specific internal u, e kilojoules per kilogram kJ/kg
Enthalpy H joules J
Enthalpy, specific h kilojoules per kilogram kJ/kg
Entropy S kilojoules per kelvin kJ/K
Expansion: coefficient of cubical γ per degree Celsius /°C
coefficient of linear α per degree Celsius /°C
coefficient of superficial β per degree Celsius /°C
Field strength: electric E volts per metre V/m
magnetic H ampere per metre A/m
Flux density: electric D coulomb per square metre C/m2
magnetic B tesla T
Flux: electric ψ coulomb C
magnetic Φ weber Wb
Force F newtons N
Frequency f hertz Hz
Heat capacity, specific c kilojoules per kilogram kelvin kJ/(kg K)
Impedance Z ohm Ω
Inductance: self L henry H
mutual M henry H
Internal energy U,E joules J
specific u, e kilojoules per kilogram kJ/kg
Inertia, moment of I,J kilogram metre squared kg m2
Length l metre m
Luminous intensity I candela cd
Magnetic field strength H ampere per metre A/m
Magnetic flux Φ weber Wb
density B tesla T
Magnetomotive force F ampere A
Mass m kilogram kg
Mass. rate of flow V cubic metres per second m3/s
Modulus of elasticity E Pascal Pa
rigidity G Pascal Pa
Moment of force M newton metre N m
Moment of inertia I.J kilogram metre squared kg m2
Mutual inductance M henry H
Number of turns in a welding N no unit  
Periodic time T second s
Permeability: absolute µ henry per metre H/m
absolute of free space µo henry per metre H/m
relative µr no unit  
Permitivity: absolute ε farad per metre F/m
of free space εo farad per metre F/m
relative εr no unit  
Polar moment of area J (metre)4 m4
Power: apparent S volt ampere VA
active P watt W
reactive Q volt ampere reactive VAr
Pressure p Pascal (1 Pa = 1 N/m2) Pa
Quantity of heat Q joule J
Quantity of electricity Q coulomb C
Reactance X ohm Ω
Reluctance S per henry or ampere per weber /H or A/Wb
Resistance R ohm Ω
Resistivity ρ ohm metre Ω m
Second moment of area I (metre)4 m4
Shear strain γ no unit  
stress τ Pascal Pa
Specific gas constant R kilojoules per kilogram kelvin kJ/(kg K)
Specific heat capacity c kilojoules per kilogram kelvin kJ/(kg K)
Specific volume v cubic metres per kilogram m3/kg
Strain, direct ε no unit  
Stress, direct σ Pascal Pa
Shear modulus of rigidity G Pascal Pa
Temperature coefficient of resistance α per degree Celsius /°C
Temperature, thermodynamic T kelvin K
Time t second s
Torque T newton metre N m
Velocity v metre per second m/s
angular ω radian per second rad/s
Voltage V volt V
Volume V cubic metre m3
Volume, rate of flow V cubic metre per second m3/s
Wavelength λ metre m
Work W joule J
Young’s modulus of elasticity E Pascal Pa



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