Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page



Part One: General Engineering Science

Chapter 1: SI units

Publisher Summary

Chapter 2: Density

Publisher Summary

Chapter 3: Scalar and vector quantities

Publisher Summary

Chapter 4: Standard quantity symbols and their units

Publisher Summary

Part Two: Electrical Engineering Science

Chapter 5: Basic d.c. circuit theory

Publisher Summary

Standard symbols for electrical components

Electrical measuring instruments

Linear and non-linear devices

Series circuit

Parallel circuit

Wiring lamps in series and in parallel

Resistance variation

Chapter 6: d.c. circuit analysis

Publisher Summary

Kirchhoff’s laws

Chapter 7: Electrolysis

Publisher Summary

Electrode reactions

The electrolysis of dilute solutions of acids, alkalis and salts

The electrolysis of molten salts and concentrated solutions

Industrial applications of electrolysis

Faraday’s laws of electrolysis

Faraday’s laws and the mole concept

Chapter 8: Electrode potentials, cells and corrosion

Publisher Summary

Corrosion of metals

Chapter 9: Capacitors and capacitance

Publisher Summary

Chapter 10: Electromagnetism and magnetic circuits

Publisher Summary



Principle of operation of a d.c. motor

Magnetic circuits

Comparison between electrical and magnetic quantities

Chapter 11: Electromagnetic induction and inductance

Publisher Summary

Chapter 12: Alternating currents and voltages

Publisher Summary

Chapter 13: Single phase series a.c. circuits

Publisher Summary

Chapter 14: Single phase parallel a.c. circuits

Publisher Summary

2 R-L parallel circuit

3 R-C parallel circuit

4 L-C parallel circuit

5 LR-C parallel circuit

Chapter 15: a.c. circuit analysis

Publisher Summary

Chapter 16: Semiconductor diodes

Publisher Summary

Chapter 17: Transistors

Publisher Summary

Chapter 18: Three-phase systems

Publisher Summary

Chapter 19: d.c. transients

Publisher Summary

Transients in series connected C-R circuits

Transients in series connected L-R circuits

The effects of time constant on a rectangular wave

Chapter 20: Single phase transformers

Publisher Summary

Transformer principle of operation

Transformer no-load phasor diagram

Transformer construction

Chapter 21: d.c. machines

Publisher Summary

Shunt-wound motor characteristics

Series-wound motor characteristics

Shunt-wound generator characteristics

Series-wound generator characteristic

The d.c. motor starter

Speed control of d.c. motors

Chapter 22: a.c. motors

Publisher Summary

Three-phase induction motors

Single-phase induction motor

Chapter 23: Electrical measuring instruments and measurements

Publisher Summary

Principle of operation of a moving coil instrument

Principle of operation of the moving iron instrument

Shunts and multipliers

A.C. bridges

Waveform harmonics

Decibel units

Part Three: Mechanical Engineering and Physical Science

Chapter 24: Speed and velocity

Publisher Summary

Chapter 25: Acceleration and force

Publisher Summary

Chapter 26: Linear momentum and impulse

Publisher Summary

Chapter 27: Linear and angular motion

Publisher Summary

Chapter 28: Friction

Publisher Summary

Advantages and disadvantages of frictional forces

Chapter 29: Waves

Publisher Summary

Characteristics of sound waves

Chapter 30: Interference and diffraction

Publisher Summary

Chapter 31: Light rays

Publisher Summary

Reflection of light

Refraction of light

Chapter 32: The effects of forces on materials

Publisher Summary

Tensile force

Compressive force

Shear force

Shear stress and strain

Torsional stress and strain

Chapter 33: Hardness and impact tests

Publisher Summary

Hardness tests

Impact tests

Chapter 34: Centre of gravity and equilibrium

Publisher Summary

Chapter 35: Coplanar forces acting at a point

Publisher Summary

The resultant of two coplanar forces

The resultant of more than two coplanar forces


Chapter 36: Simply supported beams

Publisher Summary

Shearing force and bending moments

Chapter 37: Work, energy and power

Publisher Summary

Kinetic energy of rotation

Chapter 38: Torque

Publisher Summary

Power transmission by belt drives

Chapter 39: Simple machines

Publisher Summary

Chapter 40: Heat energy

Publisher Summary

Principle of operation of a refrigerator

Conduction, convection and radiation

Practical applications of conduction

Examples of convection are

Practical applications of radiation include

Vacuum flask

Use of insulation in conserving fuel

Chapter 41: Thermal expansion

Publisher Summary

Chapter 42: Measurement of temperature

Publisher Summary

Liquid-in-glass thermometer


Resistance thermometer



Chapter 43: Solutions

Publisher Summary

Chapter 44: Pressure in fluids

Publisher Summary

U-tube manometer

Simple barometer

Fortin barometer

Bourdon pressure gauge

Hydrostatic pressure

Archimedes’ principle

Chapter 45: Surface tension and viscosity

Publisher Summary

Surface tension


Chapter 46: Ideal gas laws

Publisher Summary

Kinetic theory of gases

Chapter 47: Properties of water and steam

Publisher Summary

Chapter 48: Fluids in motion

Publisher Summary

Bernoulli’s equation

Flow through orifices

Impact of a jet

Chapter 49: Measurement of fluid flow

Publisher Summary

Orifice plate

Venturi tube

Flow nozzles

Pitot-static tube

Deflecting vane flow meter

Turbine type flow meters

Float and tapered-tube flow meter

Electromagnetic flow meter

Hot-wire anemometer

Chapter 50: Simple harmonic motion and natural vibrations

Publisher Summary

Simple harmonic motion

Natural vibration

Part Four: Chemistry

Chapter 51: Atoms, molecules, compounds and mixtures

Publisher Summary

Chapter 52: The laws of chemical combination

Publisher Summary

Law of conservation of matter

Law of constant composition

Law of multiple proportions

Law of chemical combination by volume

Chapter 53: Relative atomic masses, molecular masses and the ‘mole’ concept

Publisher Summary

The ‘mole’ concept

Chapter 54: Atomic structure of matter

Publisher Summary

Chapter 55: Radioactivity

Publisher Summary

Half-life values of radioactive isotopes

Chapter 56: Chemical bonding of the elements

Publisher Summary

Chapter 57: Chemical bonding in compounds

Publisher Summary

The arrangement of ions

The radius ratio

Chapter 58: The kinetic theory of matter

Publisher Summary

The relationship between pressure, volume and the velocity of particles

Charles’ law

Boyles’ law

Dalton’s law of partitial pressures

Graham’s law of diffusion

Avagadro’s hypothesis

The ideal gas law

The distribution of molecular velocities

Chapter 59: Chemical reactions

Publisher Summary

Acid:base reactions

Double decomposition of salt solutions

Reduction:oxidation reactions or Redox reactions

Direct combination reactions

Displacement of metals from solutions of their salts

Transition metal compound reactions


Chapter 60: Rates of chemical reaction

Publisher Summary

The collision theory of chemical reactions

The role of catalysts in chemical reactions

Chapter 61: Energy of chemical reactions

Publisher Summary

The internal energy of a monatomic gas

The energy changes in chemical reactions

Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Some definitions of standard ethalpy changes

The law of energy changes

The Born-Haber cycle for ionic solids

Measurement of enthalpy changes

Chapter 62: Chemical equilibrium in liquids and solutions

Publisher Summary

Chapter 63: Chemical equilibrium in gaseous reactions

Publisher Summary

Chapter 64: Ionic equilibrium reactions

Publisher Summary

Weak acids and weak bases

The ionic product of water, Kw

The pH scale

Buffer solutions

Chapter 65: The structure of materials

Publisher Summary


Ionic materials

Covalent solids


Imperfections in metal structures



Interstitial compounds

Polymer structures


Thermosetting plastics

Fibre polymers


Liquids and gases

Chapter 66: Organic chemistry

Publisher Summary

The alkanes

Reactions of the alkanes

The alkenes

Reactions of the alkenes

The aryl hydrocarbons

Reactions of the aryl hydrocarbons

The alcohols and phenol

The aldehydes and ketones

The carboxylic acids

The amines

The alkyl halides or halogeno alkanes

Chapter 67: Inorganic chemistry

Publisher Summary

The s-block elements

The p- block elements

The group VII elements

The group IV elements

The d-block elements


Newnes Pocket Books

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