Fluids in motion

Publisher Summary

This chapter focuses on the fluids in motion. Bernoulli’s equation is the principle of the conservation of energy applied to fluids in motion. The two significant differences between this application of the principle of the conservation of energy and the application of the principle to solids in motion are: this application is to a steady process mass (or weight) flowing per second has to be considered instead of a given fixed mass or weight and a third form of energy, that is, pressure energy, must be considered. The corresponding form of energy in dealing with solids, strain energy, is only occasionally met with. The force exerted by a jet of water on a plate is, from Newton’s third law of motion, equal and opposite to the force exerted by the plate on the water. From Newton’s second law this is equal to the rate of change of momentum of water.

Bernoulli’s equation

1. This is the principle of the conservation of energy applied to fluids in motion.

pw+v22g+Z=constant (1)

image (1)

orpw+v2g+Zg=constant (2)

image (2)

All of the quantities on the left of each equation apply to a specified fixed point in the moving fluid:

p = pressure (gauge pressure unless otherwise specified)

w = specific weight (weight per unit volume)

    v = velocity

g = acceleration due to gravity

Z = height above some specified datum

ρ = density

The two significant differences between this application of the principle of the conservation of energy and the application of the principle to solids in motion are:

(i) this application is to a steady process mass (or weight) flowing per second has to be considered instead of a given fixed mass or weight;

(ii) a third form of energy, that is, pressure energy, must be considered; the corresponding form of energy in dealing with solids, strain energy, is only occasionally met with.

Each of the terms in equation (1) represents energy per unit weight of fluid. The basic unit of each term is the metre,

i.e.  NmN orJN.


The basic unit for pressure isthe same as for stress. N/m2 or pascal (Pa). Each term in the equation is called a head.

pwis the pressure head(N/m2N/m3=m)υ22gis the velocity or kinetic head(m/s2m/s2=m)z  is the potential head (m).


The sum of the three heads is called total head (H).

Equation (2) gives energies per unit mass.

In practice, as with solids, some energy is lost, converted into heat. The estimation of this loss is an important aspect of the mechanics of fluids at a higher level.

If a pipe is filled by moving liquid the volumetric rate of flow V˙image, that is, the volume passing per second, must be the same at every section: V = A1v2 = A2v2 where A1 and v1 are the cross-sectional area and velocity at one selected section and A2 and v2 are area and velocity at a second section. The equation A1v1 = A2v2 is called the equation of continuity.

The basic unit of volumetric rate of flow V˙image is m3/s which is a large unit. The smaller unit, litre per second, is often preferred.

1 litre = 1000 cm3 =1 m3 x l 0-3


(For very low rates of flow litres per minute units may be preferred.)

For example, let the rate of flow of water through a pipe of 32 mm diameter be 2.8 litres/s. The total head at a point where the pressure is 28.4 kPa with reference to a datum 1.84 m below is determined as follows:

Velocity of flowυ=VA=2.8×10-3m3/sπ4(32)2×10-6m2=3.4815 m/s.


The velocity head,υ22g=(3.4815)2(2)(9.81)=0.6178 m.


The specific weight

ω=ρg=(1000kg/m3)(9.81 m/s2) = 9.81 kN/m3.


The pressure head,pw=28.4 kPa9.81 kN/m2=2.895 m.


The potential head Z = 1.84 m.

The pressure head H=pw+υ22g+z=2.895 +0.61784+1.84=5353 m.


Flow through orifices

2. Water issuing from a tank as a horizontal jet, as shown in Figure 48.1, has a velocity head only, if the datum is taken at the level of orifice. Water which will eventually form the jet starts at the top of the tank with a potential head only, h. Equating initial potential and final velocity heads,

Figure 48.1



    In practice, some energy loss occurs. The ratio

actual velocity of jettheoretical velocity of jet


    is called the coefficient of velocity of the orifice (Cc). The actual velocity can be obtained from accurate observation of co-ordinates x and y of points on the jet trajectory.

    The diameter of the jet is also found in practice to be less than the diameter of the orifice. The ratio:

cross-sectional area of jetarea of orifice


    is called the coefficient of contraction of the orifice (Cc). The ratio

actual rate of dischargetheoretical rate of discharge


    is called the coefficient of discharge of the orifice (Cd). But

actual rate of dischargetheoretical rate of discharge=actual velocity of jetx c.s.a. of jettheoretical velocity of jetx area of orificei.e. Cd=CvxCc.


For example, an orifice in the bottom of a water tank has a diameter of 12.5 mm. Assuming coefficients of contraction and velocity of 0.64 and 0.96 respectively, the depth of water required in the tank to give a rate of discharge through the orifice of 0.25 litres per second is determined as follows:

The theoretical rate of discharge from the tank,

V˙=Aυ=(πd24)(2gh)=π(0.0125)24[(2)(9.81)h]=0.00054357 h  m3/s=0.54357   h   litres/s, where A is in metres.


Coefficient of discharge Cd = Cv × Cc = 0.96 × 0.64 = 0.6144.

Cd=actual rate of dischargetheoretical rate of discharge,


thus (actual rate of discharge) = (Cd) (theoretical rate of discharge)

= (0.6144) (0.54357 √h)=0.33397 √h litres/s.


Hence, 0.25 = 0.33397 himage, from which, depth of water

h=(0.250.33397)2=0.5604 m=560.4 mm.


Impact of a jet

3. The force exerted by a jet of water on a plate is, from Newton’s third law of motion, equal and opposite to the force exerted by the plate on the water. From Newton’s second law this is equal to the rate of change of momentum of water.

Rate of change of momentum=mass x change of velocitytime


    In dealing with solids this is interpreted as

mass=change of velocitytime=mass×acceleration


    In dealing with the continuous process of fluid flow it must be interpreted as

masstime×change of velocity


    = mass rate of flow × change of velocity (Mv).

    In the case of the jet striking a flat plate at right angles (see Figure 48.2) the final velocity in the original direction is zero, so that v is the change of velocity in this direction. Also, if d is the diameter of the jet:

Figure 48.2



    Force on plate,



    The force will be in newtons if the jet diameter is in metres, the jet velocity in metres per second and density in kilograms per metre cubed (mass rate of flow M˙image in kg/s).

    For example, let a jet of water with a diameter of 12.5 mm and a velocity of 40 m/s strike a stationary flat plate at right angles.

    Mass rate of flow

M=Aυρ=πd24υρ=π(0.0125)24(40) (1000)                                           = 4.9087 kg/s.


    Force on plate F = M˙imagev = (4.9087 kg/s)(40 m/s) = 196.3 kg m/s2= 196.3 N.

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