Single phase parallel a.c. circuits

Publisher Summary

This chapter focuses on single phase parallel alternating current (a.c.) circuits. In parallel circuits, voltage is common to each branch of the network and is thus taken as the reference phasor when drawing phasor diagram. In the two branch, parallel circuit containing resistance R and inductance L, the current flowing in the resistance is in-phase with the supply voltage V and the current flowing in the inductance lags the supply voltage by 90°. The parallel resonant circuit is often described as a rejector circuit as it presents its maximum impedance at the resonant frequency and the resultant current is a minimum. The Q-factor of a parallel resonant circuit is the ratio of the current circulating in the parallel branches of the circuit to the supply current, that is, the current magnification. In a parallel circuit the Q-factor is a measure of current magnification, whereas in a series circuit it is a measure of voltage magnification.


In parallel circuits, such as those shown in Figure 14.1, the voltage is common to each branch of the network and is thus taken as the reference phasor when drawing phasor diagrams.

Figure 14.1

2 R-L parallel circuit

In the two branch parallel circuit containing resistance R and inductance L shown in Figure 14.1(a), the current flowing in the resistance, IR, is in-phase with the supply voltage V and the current flowing in the inductance, IL, lags the supply voltage by 90°. The supply current I is the phasor sum of IR and IL and thus the current IL, lags the applied voltage V by an angle lying between 0° and 90° (depending on the values of IR and IL), shown as angle ϕ in the phasor diagram.

From the phasor diagram:

I=(IR2+IL2),   (by Pythagoras theorem)where IR=VR and IL =VXLtan ϕ =ILI , sin ϕ = ILI and cos  ϕ =IRI 


(by trigonometric ratios)

Circuit impedance, Z=VI


3 R-C parallel circuit

In the two branch parallel circuit containing resistance R and capacitance C shown in Figure 14.1(b)), IR is in-phase with the supply voltage V and the current flowing in the capacitor, Ic, leads V by 90°. The supply current I is the phasor sum of IR and Ic and thus the current I leads the applied voltage V by an angle lying between 0° and 90° (depending on the values of IR and Ic), shown as angle a in the phasor diagram.

From the phasor diagram:

I=(IR2+ IC2), (by Pythagoras’ theorem)


where IR = VR and IC=VXCtan α = ICIR, sin α=ICI and cosα= IRI (bytrignometricratios)Circuit impedance Z=VI


4 L-C parallel circuit

In the two branch parallel circuit containing inductance L and capacitance C shown in Figure 14.1(c),IL lags V by 90° and Ic leads V by 90°. Theoretically there are three phasor diagrams possible — each depending on the relative values of IL and Ic.

(i) IL Ic (giving a supply current, I=ILIc lagging V by 90°)

(ii) Ic IL (giving a supply current, I= IcIL leading V by 90°)

(iii) IL = IC (giving a supply current, I = 0).

The latter condition is not possible in practice due to circuit resistance inevitably being present (as in the circuit described in para. 5).

For the LC parallel cicuit, IL=VXL, IC=VXC


I=phasor difference between IL andIC and Z=VI


5 LR-C parallel circuit

In the two branch circuit containing capacitance C in parallel with inductance L and resistance R in series (such as a coil) shown in Figure 14.2(a), the phasor diagram for the LR branch alone is shown in Figure 14.2(b) and the phasor diagram for the C branch alone in Figure 14.2(c). Rotating each and superimposing on one another gives the complete phasor diagram shown in Figure 14.2(d).

Figure 14.2


The current ILR of Figure 14.2(d) may be resolved into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component, shown as op is ILR cos ϕ1, and the vertical component, shown as pq is ILR sin ϕ1. There are three possible conditions for this circuit:

(i) Ic> ILR sin ϕ1 (giving a supply current I leading V by angle ϕ — as shown in Figure 14.2(e)).

(ii) ILR sin ϕ1>IC (giving I lagging V by angle ϕ — as shown in Figure 14.2(f)).

(iii) IC = ILR sin ϕ1 (this is called parallel resonance, see para. 10).


There are two methods of finding the phasor sum of currents ILR and IC in Figure 14.2(e) and Figure 14.2(f). These are: (i) by a scaled phasor diagram, or (ii) by resolving each current into their ‘in-phase’ (i.e. horizontal) and ‘quadrature’ (i.e. vertical) components.


With reference to the phasor diagrams of Figure 14.2:

Impedance  of LR branch, ZLR = (R2+XL2)


Current ILR=VZLR and IC=VXc


Supply current I=phasor sum of ILR and IC(bydrawing)={(ILR cosϕ)+(ILR sinϕIC)2}  (by calculation)


where ∼ means ’the difference between’.

Circuit impedance Z=VI


tan ϕ1=VLVR=XLR,sin ϕ1=XLZLR and cos ϕ1=RZLR


tan ϕ= ILRsinϕ1ICILR cos ϕ1and cos ϕ=ILRcos ϕ1I



For any parallel ac. circuit:

True or active power, P= VI cos ϕ watts (W) or P=I2RR watts

Apparent power, S = VI voltamperes (VA)

Reactive power, Q = VI sin ϕ reactive voltamperes (VAr)

Power factor=true powerapparent power= PS=cosϕ.


(These formulae are the same as for series a.c. circuits.)


(i) Resonance occurs in the two branch circuit containing capacitance C in parallel with inductance L and resistance R in series (see Figure 14.2(a)) when the quadrature (i.e. vertical) component of current ILR is equal to IC. At this condition the supply current I is in-phase with the supply voltage V.

(ii) When the quadrature component ofILRis equal to IC then:

    IC=ILR sin ϕ1(see Figure 14.3)

Figure 14.3

Hence VXC=(VZLR)(XLZLR),(from para.8)


    from which,

ZLR2=XCXL=(2πfrL)(1(2πfrC)) =LC (1)

image (1)

Hence [(R2+XL2)]2 = LC and R2+XL2 = LC


(2πfrL)2= LCR2


fr=12πL(LCR2) = 12π (LL2C  R2L2)


    i.e. parallel resonant frequency, fr, fr=12π(1LCR2L2)Hzimage

    (When R is negligible, then fr=12π(LC)image which is the same as for series resonance.)

(iii) Current at resonance,

    Ir =ILR cos ϕ1(from Figure 14.3)

=(VZLR)(RZLR) (from para. 8)=VRZLR2


    However, frome quation (1), ZLR2=LCimage

Hence Ir= VR(LC)=VRCL


    The current is at a minimum at resonance.

(iv) Since the current at resonance is in-phase with the voltage the impedance of the circuit acts as a resistance. This resistance is known as the dynamic resistance, RD (or sometimes, the dynamic impedance).

    From equation (2), impedance at resonance= VIr=LRCimage

    i.e.dynamic resistance, RD=LRCΩimage.

(v) The parallel resonant circuit is often described as a rejector circuit since it presents its maximum impedance at the resonant frequency and the resultant current is a minimum.


Currents higher than the supply current can circulate within the parallel branches of a parallel resonant circuit, the current leaving the capacitor and establishing the magnetic field of the inductor, this then collapsing and recharging the capacitor, and so on. The Q-factor of a parallel resonant circuit is the ratio of the current circulating in the parallel branches of the circuit to the supply current, i.e. the current magnification.

Q-factor at resonance = current magnification

=circulating currentsupply current=ICIr=ILR sin ϕ1Ir=ILRsin ϕ1ILR cosϕ1=sin ϕ1cosϕ1=tan ϕ1 =XLR


i.e. Q-factor at resonance 2πfrLRimage

(which is the same as for a series circuit).

Note that in a parallel circuit the Q-factor is a measure of current magnification, whereas in a series circuit it is a measure of voltage magnification.


At mains frequencies the Q-factor of a parallel circuit is usually low, typically less than 10, but in radio-frequency circuits the Q-factor can be very high.


For a particular power supplied, a high power factor reduces the current flowing in a supply system and therefore reduces the cost of cables, switch-gear, transformers and generators. Supply authorities use tariffs which encourage electricity consumers to operate at a reasonably high power factor.

Industrial loads such as a.c. motors are essentially inductive (R-L) and may have a low power factor. One method of improving (or correcting) the power factor of an inductive load is to connect a static capacitor C in parallel with the load (see Figure 14.4(a)). The supply current is reduced from ILR to IC, the phasor sum of ILR and IC, and the circuit power factor improves from cos ϕ1 to cos ϕ2 (see Figure 14.4(b)).

Figure 14.4

Another example where capacitors are connected directly across a load occurs in fluorescent lighting, where manufacturers include a power-factor correction capacitor inside the fitting.


Where a factory possesses a large number of a.c. motors it may be uneconomical to place a capacitor across the terminals of each motor. As the power factor of an individual motor may vary with load, the capacitor may result in overcorrection at certain loads and even produce a voltage surge that may have a damaging effect on the motor. Many factories have automatic power-factor correction plant situated in their substations, capacitors being switched in or out to maintain the system power-factor between certain predetermined limits.

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