Relative atomic masses, molecular masses and the ‘mole’ concept

Publisher Summary

This chapter discusses the relative atomic masses, molecular masses, and the mole concept. The relative atomic mass of an element is defined as the weight in grams of the number of atoms of the element contained in 12.00 g of carbon-12. To calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine, the average mass of one atom of chlorine is found by considering 100 atoms of chlorine. 75.53 of these atoms each have a mass of 35 atomic mass units (AMU), and 24.47 atoms each have a mass of 37 AMU. The word mole has been adopted to represent the Avagadro number of atoms of an element, that is, the relative atomic mass of an element. Thus, one mole of sodium weighs 23.0 g or one tenth of a mole of sodium weighs 2.3 g.

1. When the laws of chemical combination were formulated it was necessary to decide on an arbitary value for the mass of one element so that comparative reacting masses could be made.

    Because hydrogen gas was used in many of the early experiments and was the lightest element known, it was given the value of unity. The relative masses of elements combining with 1 g of hydrogen were then found. Because hydrogen reacts readily with only a few elements it was replaced by oxygen as an arbitary standard with a value of mass of 16 compared to hydrogens value of 1. This gave a different set of relative masses for the elements. The inadequacy of oxygen as an arbitary standard led to the selection of the carbon-12 isotope of carbon as the arbitary standard. The relative atomic mass of an element is defined as the weight in grams of the number of atoms of the element contained in 12.00 g of carbon-12.

    Alternatively, the relative atomic mass of an element is given by

the mass of one atom of the element1/12 of the mass of one atom of carbon-12


2. The number of atoms contained in the relative atomic mass of an element has been shown by Avagardro to be 6.02 × 1023. This number is called the Avagadro number or the Avagadro constant.

    An alternative definition for the relative atomic mass of an element is the mass of 6.02 × 1023 atoms of the element. For example, the relative atomic mass of chlorine can be found by using a technique called mass spectrometry to find the isotopes present and their relative abundancies in the element. The 3517cl isotope is present in 75.53% and the 3717cl isotope is 24.47%.

    To calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine, the average mass of one atom of chlorine is found by considering 100 atoms of chlorine. 75.53 of these atoms each have a mass of 35 atomic mass units (a.m.u.), and 24.47 atoms each have a mass of 37 a.m.u. 75.53 atoms of 35Cl have a mass of 35 × 75.53 = 2643.55 a.m.u. 24.47 atoms of 37Cl have a mass of 37 × 24.47 = 905.39 a.m.u. The combined mass is 2643.55 + 905.39 = 3548.94 a.m.u.

    The average mass of 1 chlorine atom= 3548.94100image = 35.498 a.m.u.

    and the mass of 6.02 × 1023 atoms of chlorine can be defined as 35.49 g.

The ‘mole’ concept

3. The word ‘mole’ has been adopted to represent the Avogadro number of atoms of an element, that is, the relative atomic mass of an element. Thus, one mole of sodium weighs 23.0 g or one tenth of a mole of sodium weighs 2.3 g.

4. When applied to molecules, one mole of molecules is the relative molecular mass of that molecule, which is the summation of the individual relative atomic masses of the constituent atoms. For example, calcium carbonate contains calcium, carbon and oxygen in the ratio 1:1, 3 (i.e. CaCO3). The accurate relative atomic masses are Ca = 40.1, C = 12.01, O = 16.00, thus the relative molecular mass is 40.1 + 12.01 + (3 × 16.00) = 100.11. For many purposes the relative atomic masses are rounded up to the nearest whole number except for chlorine and copper which are 35.5 and 63.5 respectively.

5. When applied to solutions, a 1 molar, (1 M), solution is one in which 1 mole of a solute is dissolved in a solvent in order that the volume of the solution is 1000 cm3 (1 dm3 or 1 litre). This means that if the concentration of the solution is known in moles per dm3, the number of moles in any volume of solution can be determined. For example, to find how many moles of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, are contained in 200 cm3 of a 2 M, (2 molar), solution:

    1000 cm3 of the solution contains 2 moles of NaOH

    Thus, 1 cm3 of the solution contains 21000image moles of NaOH and 200 cm3 of the solution contains 21000image × 200 moles of NaOH. That is, the number of moles of sodium hydroxide is 0.4.

    In order to find the mass of sodium hydroxide required to make 200 cm3 of 2 M solution:

    200 cm3 of a 2 M solution requires 21000image × 200 moles.

    0.4 moles of NaOH has a mass found by the equation:

    mass of NaOH = number of moles × relative molecular of NaOH mass of NaOH



    That is, the mass of sodium hydroxide required is 16 g.

6. When applied to gases, the molar volume of any gas is defined as occupying 22.4 dm3 at a temperature of 273 K and pressure 101.3 kPa (atmospheric pressure). Volumes of gases are easier to measure than masses. Using the molar volume definition, if the volume of a gas is known, the number of moles and hence the mass of the gas can be determined. For example, to find the number of moles of carbon dioxide gas which are contained in 100 cm3 of the gas measured at 273 K and 101.3 kPa. Use is made of the above definition that at 101.3 kPa and 273 K, 22400 cm3 of any gas is the volume of 1 mole of the gas.

    Thus, 22400 cm3 of CO2 are equivalent to 1 mole of CO2.

    and 1 cm3 of CO2 is equivalent to 122400image moles of CO2.

    Thus, 100 cm3 of CO2 are equivalent to12240image × 100 moles of CO2

    = 1224image or 0.00446 moles of carbon dioxide.

    In order to find the mass of carbon dioxide gas occupying 100 cm3 at 273 K and 101.3 kPa, use is made of the fact that 100 cm3 of CO2 is equivalent to 0.00446 moles.

    Mass of carbon dime = Number of moles of carbon dioxide

    × Relative molecular mass of carbon dioxide

=0.00446× (12+2×16)=0.00466×44=0.196 g.


    The mass of carbon dioxide is 0.196 g.

7. If the temperature and pressure of the gas are different from the values stated, the volume must be converted to these values using the gas laws (see Chapter 46).

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